Ch.17 Secret doorway

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Raven ran her fingers across the raven's feather on the key Gold had given her, all day she wondered what the key would unlock that would help break the curse if it ever happened. But she also remembered about the missing spell book and who took it and where it could be.

"Raven" Apple suddenly said "You've been sitting in that chair all day, are you ever gonna do something?"

Raven gave a sigh as she got up and walked around their dorm.

"My minds been busy all day with the whole missing spell book and what does this key unlock that could break the curse?"

"You know" Apple said "We haven't actually searched for the book yet, for why don't we go around the school and look for it?"

"But what if the book isn't in the school?"

"Then we'll look somewhere else, but since you've been in that chair all day, you need to move your body, so come on".

The girls then went out of their dorm.

"I think we should start in the lifairy" Apple suggested as they went to the lifairy.

"Hey girls" C.A Cupid, daughter of Eros, the God of love came up to them.

"Hey Cupid" Apple said "Did you get that hext from Blondie about looking for the spell book?"

"I did" Cupid said "And I've been searching for it in the lifairy, but it's not here".

"Are you sure you looked everywhere?" Raven asked.


"Wait, maybe there's like a secret way, I've seen it in movies".

Raven then went to a bookshelf and started to tilt the books outward, expecting a secret doorway to open, but nothing happened.

"Raven" Apple said with a bored look "It's gonna take forever, we can't just simply pull a book out and expect a secret doorway to open-".

But before she could finish, Raven tilted a book outward and a secret doorway in the bookshelf opened revealing a dark tunnel.

"What did I tell yah?" she grinned as Apple's and Cupid's jaws were dropped.

"So does anyone have a flashlight?" Raven asked.

"I do" Dexter appeared.

"Dex" the girls said surprised.

"How long have you been here?" Raven asked.

"Pretty much the whole time" he said "I overheard you girls talking about looking for the spell book, I wanna help".

"Well, thanks Dex" Raven smiled.

He then reached into his backpack and pulled out a flashlight and turned it on and shined it in the tunnel. He went in first as the girls followed. The tunnel was all dark and creepy, and ever once in a while they would hear the sounds of rats running around.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Apple said with a scared look.

"Let's just go down some more and hopefully we'll find something" Raven suggested.

They soon came to some stairs, they went down the stairs and they came upon a door with a keyhole.

"Wonder what's behind the door" Cupid wondered as Dexter tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Well it's locked" Apple said relieved "Let's go".

"Wait" Raven said as she got out the key with the raven feather.

She put the key into the keyhole and and turned it, it unlocked the door!

"So behind this door should be the item that could help break the curse" Raven concluded as she opened the door.

Dexter shown the light into the dark room revealing a mirror on the wall.

"That's the item that could help break the curse?" Cupid asked confused.

"I don't understand" Raven said as she walked towards the mirror "It can't be this, there has to be something else in here, look around".

Everyone looked around the room.

"I've found this" Apple held up a hand mirror.

"Is that the item?" Cupid asked.

"I'm confused" Raven said "Why mirrors? I need to talk to Gold, take that mirror just in case we need it".

Everyone went out of the room and Raven locked the door just as she turned around to leave, not knowing that when she pulled the key out, she pulled off the feather leaving the key in the keyhole, she joined the others, not noticing that she just had the feather while the key was still in the keyhole.

"So how did it go with you and Terrence last night?" Olivia asked Elena as they walked down the hallway.

"It was a bit awkward at first" Elena said "But after a while we started talking and we actually bonded".

"Well that's good" Olivia smiled "You guys should do that again someday".

"We might, so how are things with you and Aidan?"

"Well this weekend we're actually gonna do something fun together, but we're still planning on what we're gonna do".

"Why don't you guys go to the movies and then after that have dinner together?"

"We might, but we wanna try something different but romantic".

"Why don't you ask Rachel, she is considered the love expert".

"I think I will later".

"Well I'll see you later then".

After Elena left, Olivia went to her locker and opened it and placed a textbook into it, but when she closed the locker, she was surprised to find Reyna standing next to her and leaning against the locker.

"Hey Olivia" she said with a sneaky smile.

"What do you want Reyna?" Olivia asked annoyed.

"I just wanna know, are you and Aidan still dating?"

"Yeah why?"

"You sure he's not like, seeing another girl?"

"What, like he's cheating on me? Uh, hell no, he would never do that to me".

"I think you might wanna re-think that" Reyna said with a sneaky grin.

"What are you talking about?"

"You might not believe me if I tell you, so instead, I'm gonna show you".

Reyna got out her phone and showed Olivia the video of Aidan and Ilene talking behind the bleachers. Olivia watched as Aidan talked about breaking up with her after their date this weekend, and she was shocked when Aidan called Ilene 'his girl' and they kissed and walked away holding hands. She almost gasped, her jaw was dropped and her eyes were widen.

"Aidan?" she gasped as she felt her eyes water.

"What are you gonna do now?" Reyna asked.

Olivia felt tears flow down her cheeks, and she then felt her blood start to boil.

"Can I borrow your phone?" she asked with a mad look.

Reyna gave a sneaky smile as she handed Olivia her phone.

"I'll return it soon" she said as she walked away, looking for Aidan.

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