Ch.37 Jealously

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As Elena was fixing her hair in the mirror in the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

"It's him" she gasped as she went to the door.

On the other side of the door, Terrence knocked as he sniffed the bouquet of flowers. But at that point Elena opened the door with Terrence knocking on her head, not knowing that she had opened the door.

"I'm sorry!" he gasped when he realized what he was doing "I didn't realize that wood was your head, I-I mean, the door was your head, I- have some flowers" he held out the flowers to her.

"Oh thank you" Elena smiled with a nervous look "They're lovely".

"Hey Terrence" Olivia smiled from behind Elena.

"Hey Olivia" he said "Are you feeling better from, you know who?"

"Yeah I'm better now, how's he doing?"

"He's still a little depressed, but I'm helping him".

"So are you guys ready for your date?" she asked both of them.

"Um, yeah sure" they both said nervously.

"Don't be nervous" Olivia said "You guys know each other, stop being nervous and have fun together".

"So um" Terrence said to Elena "You wanna, go now?"

"Um, sure" she said.

"Bye guys" Olivia waved.

"Bye" they waved as they headed towards Terrence's car.

"Oh boy" Olivia sighed with a worried look.

After getting Faybelle's wings back, the group went down the Enchanted forest towards Ever After High. As Briar and Raven headed towards the school, Faybelle stood back with Vincent.

"Faybelle aren't you coming?" Briar asked.

"Yeah I'll be in there soon" she said.

"Ok then" Raven said as she and Briar went inside the school leaving Faybelle and Vincent alone.

"So..." Vincent said awkwardly.

"So..." Faybelle said back awkwardly.

"I guess, I have to get back to my family" he said.

"Yeah" she agreed.

"Um, I hope we can still see each other again".

"Yeah" she said with a small smile.

"So um, I guess I'll see you around?"

"Sure" she said.

"Well, bye".

"Bye" she said as she watched him walk away.

After he left, Raven went up to Faybelle.

"So what are you gonna do now?" she asked her.

"Well" Faybelle said "Now that I have my wings back, I can get back to flying everywhere and stuff".

"But what about Vincent? Do you like him?"

Faybelle gave a sigh "I don't know, he's cute and all, but I think a relationship will just, clip my wings, literally".

"Well, if you ever need any help again, I'll be willing to help".

"K, but just so you know, we're still not friends".

"I thought so" Raven smirked as they headed inside the school.

At 'The Giant's Castle', Elena and Terrence sat at a table and watched as a jazz band play on the stage. Soon the waitress came over with their desserts.

"Thank you" they both said.

"You two enjoy" the waitress smiled as she left.

"You having a good time?" Terrence asked.

"I am actually" Elena smiled "I gotta say, my last boyfriend wouldn't even take me on romantic dates like this".

"How was he like?"

"Well, he was a nice, fun guy, but all we really did was, well, make out a lot" she said awkwardly.

"So what happened with you guys?"

"Well, he met someone else, and he decided to dump me over the phone on my birthday".

"I'm sorry".

"That's ok, I'm over him. What about you?"


"Were you ever in a relationship?"

"Well, no actually, in fact, you're my first date".

"Oh really?" Elena said surprised.

"Yeah, and I gotta say, this is a fun first date".

Elena gave a smile "Well I'm glad you're enjoying it".

As they enjoyed their time, Rachel then came into the restaurant along with Hailee.

"This should be fun" Rachel said "Just the two of us having a fun night, and not thinking about Terrence".

"You should've of really joined our girl's night" Hailee said "It was so much fun".

"Thanks but, Elena was with you guys, and since Terrence likes her-".

"I know what you mean" Hailee said with a sad look "But tonight, you're not gonna think about him, you're here to have fun".

"Yeah" Rachel agreed with a smile.

But as they looked for a table, Rachel caught sight of Terrence and Elena at their table. She saw that they were talking and laughing, they seemed to be having a good time. Rachel felt her heart break again, she couldn't have a good time not thinking about her crush when he's right in front of her on a date with the girl he likes. Rachel felt her eyes water as she stormed out of the restaurant.

"Rachel!" Hailee called as she went after her.

She caught up to Rachel in the parking lot and saw that she had tears in her eyes.

"Rachel I'm sorry you had to see that" Hailee said sadly "But I didn't know they would here tonight".

"Well this the perfect way to ruin my night" Rachel said sarcastically as she cried.

"Rachel look, I know that Terrence likes Elena, and even though he does, I still think you should tell him how you feel. I know that's what making you stress, but if you tell him how you feel and get that weight off your chest, I'm pretty sure you'll feel better".

"I doubt it" Rachel said "I've liked him more than Elena did, and I know him more than she does, what does she have that I don't?"

"I don't know, but I'm telling you, you have to tell Terrence how you feel".

Rachel continued to cry with jealously, she didn't know what to do.

"Do you still wanna hang out?" Hailee asked "Maybe at the 'Wonder diner' or something?"

Rachel shook her head "No thanks, I think I'm just gonna go home, and maybe watch some 'FRIENDS' and other stuff".

"Do you want me to come over with you?"

"No thanks, I wanna be alone".

Hailee gave a sigh "All right then, don't forget to tell him soon".

As Hailee walked away, Rachel got into her car and could see Terrence and Elena through the window having a good time. Her jealousy was starting to rise as she started her car and drove away.

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