Ch.25 Insecurities

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In a beautiful castle with birds and other woodland creatures around, Apple White stood in her room and gazed at her reflection in her mirror. In a couple of days, it would be the first day and the first year for her and all of the other fairytale students to go to Ever After High to declare their destiny. Apple was looking forward to following her destiny as her mother Snow White, but she was also a bit worried. She examined features and compared them to her mother. She had her mother's white skin, blood red lips, but instead of ebony colored hair, her hair was blonde. Apple got the blonde hair from her father, but since the story said that Snow White had black hair, she felt a bit insecure about having blonde hair. But she also had another insecurity, she noticed her glasses resting on her desk, she never liked wearing her glasses, especially in public, she was worried that no one will accept her with glasses so she hides them and wears contacts to get the perfect good girl image.

"Apple" she heard her mother knock on her door.

"Come in" Apple said as Snow White entered her room.

Just like in the story, Snow White was just as beautiful with her snow white skin, red lips that always smiled, and her black that was up in a bun.

"Are you excited for your first day and first year at Ever After High?" she asked.

"Yeah" Apple said with a nervous look.

"You sure?" Snow White asked "You don't seem very excited about it".

"Well I'm glad I'm going to see my friends again".


"But what?"

"I can tell you have something on your mind, wanna tell me about it?"

"No I'm fine".


Apple gave a sigh "Okay fine, I'm just really nervous that no one will accept me cause of my blonde hair, and what if they find out about my glasses?"

"Apple dear, I know you've always been insecure about you hair and your glasses, like remember the time you tried to dye your hair black when you were 13?"

Apple did remember that time, she tried to dye her hair but ended up failing when her mother walked in right before she could do it.

"And remember the talk we had?" Snow White asked.

Apple remembers her mother telling her that her blonde hair is just as beautiful and that she shouldn't change it.

"Apple, it doesn't matter what color hair you were born with, you're beautiful just the way you are, you don't have to look like me to be the next Snow White, and everyone loves you for who you are".

Apple ran her fingers through her hair, her mother was right, she was beautiful the way she is.

"And if people say that you should change the way you look" Snow White added "Tell them they're wrong".

Apple gave a small smile, she then placed her glasses in the case and stuffed them in her purse.

"Apple?" her mother asked.

"Yes?" Apple asked.

"No I mean, apple?" her mother held up a red apple.

"Oh" Apple smiled, her mother knew how much they loved apples "Thanks".

She took the apple and took a bite of it. Every time she ate an apple, it reminds her of how much you wants her destiny. But in order to get it, Raven Queen had to give her the poison apple, she wondered what Raven was doing right now.

Up upon a hill that rested near a cliff, there stood a dark castle. And in one of the rooms, Raven Queen laid on her bed with rock and roll music playing from her speakers. Even though music made her happy, she wasn't feeling so happy today. She knew that in a couple of days she would be going to Ever After High were everyone would be expecting her to be the next Evil Queen like her mother who was now in mirror prison. But Raven knew she would never be evil, and going to Ever After made her scared of getting teased like how she was when she young. She didn't have any friends, and she knew that no one wanted to be her friend. Just then, she heard a knock on her door, and her father the Good King came in.

"Hey Raven" he said as Raven turned off the music.

"Hey" she said with a dull look.

"You feeling okay?"


"You nervous about going to Ever After High?"

"Yeah, I mean, what if I get teased again? What if no one talks to me? Can I please be home schooled?"

"Now Raven, we talked about this, going to this school will help you".

"How?" she asked with a frown "By helping me get worse?"

"No, look, I know that you don't want to follow your destiny, and I'm okay with that, but you still have to go to Ever After cause every student as to go".

Raven let out a groan.

"Raven, I know you've been feeling very depressed lately, but believe me, everything will get better".

"I doubt that, ever since mom was put in mirror prison for trying to take over Wonderland, everyone has been scared of me more than ever" she then let out a sigh "Nothing good ever came from her".

"That's not true, she gave me you".

Raven gave a small sigh, she's always been closer to her dad than with her mom, but she still thinks that nothing will ever get better.

"If it makes you feel better, I've got you something".

The king handed Raven a pair of silver studded headphones. Raven's eyes widen.

"I know how much you love music" he said.

Raven took the headphones and admired it.

"Wow" she said "Thanks".

"Don't mention it. Now if you would like to be alone, I'll be going".

"Okay" Raven said as he dad left.

After he left, she plugged her new headphones into her phone and began listening to her music, the sound worked great. She then closed her eyes as the music soothed her. And she started to feel a bit better.

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