Ch.27 Cupid and Psyche

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One afternoon, C.A Cupid was outside sitting on the stairs reading a book about Greek Mythology. Since Eros adopted her, she always likes learning about her heritage. But then she came upon a story she's never seen before titled 'Cupid and Psyche'. Curious, she started to read it.

"Hey Cupid" Dexter said as he came up to her.

When Cupid saw him, her heart fluttered, she's been crushing on Dexter for a long time, but she never got the chance to tell him how she feels, plus he likes Raven, and it's her destiny yo help those find their true love.

"Oh, hey Dex" she smiled.

"Watcha reading?" he asked.

"Well I just discovered this story in Greek Mythology that I've never seen before. It's a story about my dad called 'Cupid and Psyche'".

"Cupid and Psyche? I've never heard of that story".

"Well I just found it, and I never knew my dad had a story".

"What's it about?"

"I don't know I just started reading it" Cupid said as she started to read again, but then her eyes widen as she shut the book "Ok never mind".

"What?" Dexter asked.

"This story contains, inappropriate stuff".


"But how come I never knew I had a story?"

"Maybe it's because they didn't want you to get involved in the, inappropriate stuff".

"Well I can try to change my story to make it more appropriate".

"But who's the Psyche of the story?"

Cupid's eyes widen, Psyche was the love interest of Eros, so if there's a child of Psyche, he's the one who's designed to be her true love, not Dexter.

"Uh, Cupid?" Dexter called which snapped her out of her shock "Are you ok?"

"Oh" she said, still a bit shocked "I'm fine".

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I just gotta search up something".

She got up and headed inside the school and to the Mirror Lab. She typed the story into the search bar, but all it showed was the story and about her, but not if there's a child of Psyche. So she decided to call her dad. She called him and wait till he answered.

"Hey Cupid" he said when he picked up.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

"Tell you what?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you had a story called 'Cupid and Psyche'?"


"You know what I'm talking about, I found the story in the lifairy, how come you never told me about it?"

Eros gave a sigh, give me a video call, cause it's easier to tell you when I'm seeing your face".

So Cupid went into her dorm and made a video call to him. Soon Eros face appeared on her laptop.

"So tell me" Cupid said.

Eros gave another sigh "All right, we never told you cause we didn't want you to get involved in the inappropriate stuff it had".

"I thought so, now, I read that Psyche was your love interest, does she like, have a son that was suppose to be my love interest?"

"Well" Eros said nervously "She did have a son, but he passed away when he was born".

"Oh" Cupid said with a sad look.

"I'm sorry you never got to meet your love interest".

"No that's fine actually".

"Well all right then, I gotta get back to work".

"Ok, bye" she said as they signed off.

Cupid was both sad, and glad. She was sad that Psyche lost to son, but she was glad that she didn't have to follow her story, and she may have a chance to tell Dexter how she feels.

After the sun has set, Rachel met Terrence at the 'Wonder diner'.

"Hey Terrence" she said.

"Hey Rachel" he smiled "Thanks for meeting me here".

"No problem" she said as she sat down "So why do you need to see me?"

"Well, I have this date with Elena tomorrow".

"Oh" Rachel said, trying to hide her sadness.

"And I need your advice. This is my first date, and I'm really nervous, what if I mess something up".

But Rachel wasn't listening, she was too sad to talk.

"Um, Rachel" Terrence called which snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, sorry" she said "My advice to you is to just be yourself and have fun".

"Yeah, you're right. But should I like get her anything?"

"Um, getting her flowers would be nice".

"Yes" he agreed "Oh man, the flower store closes in like 10 minutes, I gotta go, thank you Rachel".

He got up and headed to the door.

"You're welcome" she said sadly.

She gave a sad sigh as she reached into her purse and pulled out her pink notebook, she opened it to a page where she wrote things like 'Rachel x Terrence', 'I <3 Terrence', and 'R+T' with hearts around it. Even though Terrence liked Elena, Rachel wanted to tell him how she felt, but she was never able to do it cause she was too nervous. She closed her notebook, and placed her arms on the table and rested her chin on them.

"Hey Rachel" she turned around and saw Julie.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Rachel said, trying to hide her sadness.

"You don't seem fine to me" Julie said as she sat in front of her "What's wrong?"

"Have you ever, liked someone, but they like someone else?" Rachel asked sadly.

"I don't really remember, why, is that happening to you?"

"Yeah" Rachel sighed.

"Oh" Julie said with a sad look.

"It feels like I'm invisible, I don't even have the courage to tell him how I feel".

"Wow, even the love experts have love problems".

"Yeah" Rachel sighed again.

"Well, if you want to tell him how you feel, ask him if you can talk to him and tell him how you feel, and even though he may like another girl, at least you'll get it off of your chest".

Rachel sighed "I suppose I should do that".

"Great" Julie smiled "Don't forget".

Rachel gave a small smile as she got up.

"I'll see you in school" she said.

"K bye" Julie said as she left.

But Julie then noticed that Rachel left her notebook on the table.

"Rachel you left-" she tried to call, but Rachel was already gone.

"You're notebook" she finished with sigh.

She then decided to give the notebook back to Rachel the next time she sees her. So she placed it in her purse and left the diner.

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