Ch.29 Magic outburst

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During breakfast in the Castleteria, Raven saw that Maddie has a nervous look.

"Maddie" she said "Are you okay?"

"Oh" Maddie said "Yeah I'm fine".

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just happy as a hatter" she smiled as she took a sip of her tea.

"Oh look" Faybelle said in a sassy tone as she and Duchess walked up to them "The mad freak is hanging out with the evil wimp, what a surprise".

"Faybelle" Maddie said "Would you like a cup of tea, cause it helps to curse your attitude".

Faybelle gave a mad look.

"Hey Mad chic" Faybelle said "Would you do me a favor and leave so I can poison your tea?"

Raven saw the mad look in Maddie's eyes, but she just gave a small smile like she didn't care.

"You know I'm starting to believe that your family is a cactus tree cause everyone has a prick" she said.

"Well that is true, and we're proud of it".

And with that Faybelle knocked the tea over and the hot tea spilled on Maddie's legs.

"Yeah that's right" Faybelle smirked "Feel the burn".

"Stop it" Raven ordered.

"Or what?" Faybelle asked "You're gonna use your magic on me and turn me into a toad. Oooo I'm so scared".

Raven felt her blood boil.

"You know I heard that when you were a child" she said "Someone wanted to hire somebody to take care of you, but the mafia wanted too much".

"Ooooooo" some students around said surprised who where watching them fight.

"Well at least I wasn't born on a highway cause that's where most accidents happen" Faybelle talked back.

"Yikes" they heard Sparrow said.

Raven felt her anger raise, but she tried to hold it in.

"Why don't you slip into something more comfortable?" she asked "Like a coma, so you can feel like Sleeping Beauty".

"Well at least I have a life, why don't you go on Ebay and see if they have a life for sale".

Raven was getting more angry, and she felt herself clutching her fist.

"Just look" Faybelle said with a fake smile "You're not funny, your life is just a joke".

"Shut. Up" Raven growled as purple flames appeared on her head.

"Uh, Faybelle you should stop" Maddie said nervously.

"You be quiet munchkin" Faybelle talked back.

"I'm not even that short am I?" Maddie asked herself.

"So what are you gonna do Raven" Faybelle asked "Oh that's right, nothing, cause you're a wimp, you're a joke".

"I said SHUT UP!" Raven yelled as purple magic blasted out of her which pushed Faybelle across the Castleteria and crashing into the wall creating a hole in the wall.

Everyone looked at Raven with scared looks as they backed away from her with fear. Raven looked at herself, she couldn't believe what she just did.

"Raven" Maddie said as she walked towards her.

"Maddie stay away from me" Raven said with a scared look "I don't wanna hurt you".

"You're not gonna hurt me" Maddie said "I just wanna talk to you".

"Maddie I'm serious" Raven said "Stay away from me".


"I mean it, just stay away-".

But at that point Raven accidentally shot some magic out of her hands and towards Maddie which shot her into the table and landing on the floor. Maddie felt a burn on her arm, she looked and saw that there was a small slice on her arm caused by a knife that was on the table. Raven was shocked, she saw that everyone looked at her with scared looks. She couldn't believe that she just hurt someone, she then burst into tears as she ran away and out the Castleteria. Maddie laid on the floor, too shocked to get up, she then looked out the window and saw Gold staring at her. He gave a small smile as he nodded his head side to side giving her the 'I told you so' face.

"Maddie are you ok?" Lizzie helped her up.

"I'm fine" Maddie said.

"But that cut on your arm though" she pointed to the cut on Maddie's arm.

"Oh it's just a scratch" Maddie said as she dabbed a napkin on it to soak up the blood.

"Do you need to see the nurse?"

"I will later, but first I gotta talk to Raven".

"Uh, are you sure about that" Lizzie asked nervously "I mean, she just hurt you".

"It was an accident".

"But she did hurt me" Faybelle said with a mad look.

"That's because you were being a bitch to her" Maddie frown "If you would've leave her alone this wouldn't of happened".

"Whatever after" Faybelle rolled her eyes "If my mother was here she'd be proud of me".

"Just because you're designed to be a villain doesn't mean you have to be rude to everyone".

"I wasn't being rude, I was being honest".

"Well you know sometimes the truth hurts, so I suggest you keep it to yourself. Now I'm gonna talk to Raven".

"But what if she hurts you again?" Lizzie asked with a nervous look.

"She's my friend, she'll never hurt me".

Maddie then walked away and out of the Castleteria. She knew where Raven was hiding, so she walked down the hall and towards the hideout.

"Did you think I was kidding?" she heard Gold say behind her.

She gave a frown as she turned around and saw Gold with that smile on his face.

"What do you want from me Gold?" she asked annoyed.

"Oh I don't want anything" he said "I just asked you a simple question, did you think I was kidding?"

"Ok look ugly" she said with anger "I might of been wrong, but I know that Raven didn't mean to do it".

"She sure kinda did to Ms. Thorn".

"Well I know that Raven didn't want to do it, but she couldn't control her powers, and it wasn't her fault it was Faybelle's cause she was being mean to her".

"Well that Faybelle being Faybelle".

"Well Faybelle is a bitch, and no one should treat Raven like that, no one should be treated like that".

"You really do have a good heart Ms. Hatter".

"Of course I do, and now if you would excuse me, I have to find my friend and talk to her".

Maddie then walked away from Gold in search for Raven. Gold watched her walk away as a little grin spread across his face.

Once upon a time: Ever After HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora