Ch.18 Break up

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"This is weird" Apple said as they walked down the hall "Why would the item be a mirror?"

"I don't know" Raven said "But I'm gonna talk to Gold later".

"Maybe it's a magic mirror" Cupid said.

"A magic mirror?" Raven said.

"Hmm" Apple said as she looked at her reflection "Um, mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

Everyone waited, but nothing happened.

"Was I wrong?" Cupid asked.

"I'm still gonna talk to Gold later" Raven said "Maybe this key is suppose to open something else".

But when she looked in her hand, she was shocked to find that the key wasn't there, just the feather.

"Uh, guys" she said nervously as she showed them the feather.

"Where's the key?!" Apple gasped.

"Oh no, it must be in the lock, I'll be back".

Raven ran down the hall and to the lifairy and opened the secret doorway and went in, she went to the door and to her shock, the key was gone!

Olivia stomped her way to the football field where she found Aidan talking to his football team. He then turned and saw Olivia walking towards him.

"Hey babe" he said "Why are here so early-".

Olivia then slapped him across the face with all her might.

"OW!" Aidan yelled as he put his hand to his cheek "What the hell was that for?!"

"How could you?!" she yelled.


"How could you cheat on me with Ilene?!"

"What are you talking about?" Aidan asked, trying to hide his guilt.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about! I finally know why you haven't been hanging out with me lately, it's because you're hooking up with Ilene!"

"What?" Aidan said, still trying to hide his guilt "I would never cheat on you".

"Oh yeah? Then how do you explain this?!"

Olivia held up Reyna's phone and showed him the video Reyna recorded of him talking to and kissing Ilene behind the bleachers.

"Care to explain that?" Olivia asked with a mad look.

Aidan was speechless, he knew he was now caught.

"I can't believe you Aidan" Olivia said as she started to cry "I thought you loved me".

"I do-" Aidan said.

"Then why did you cheat on me?" Olivia cut in as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Olivia" he said as he tried to comfort her.

"You know what? You can forget the date this weekend, cause we are threw!"

Olivia then stomped away as she cried, Aidan couldn't believe what just happen, he turned to his football team who just walked away from him. He was starting to feel terrible, he needed to talk to Ilene.

Raven ran from the lifairy and to her friends.

"Guys!" she called "The key is gone!"

"What?!" they all gasped.

"I went down to the door to get the key but it was gone! Someone must of taken it!"

"Oh my gosh" Apple gasped "What do we do?!"

"What do you need the key for?" Dexter asked.

"If my mother's curse ever happens, the key will unlock an item that will help break the curse".

"And apparently, the item is this mirror" Apple held up the mirror "Or the big one".

"We just need the key back" Raven said "But now I don't know where it is".

"Wait" Apple said "So whoever must of taken the key knows about the secret doorway".

"Well who else knows about the secret doorway?" Dexter asked.

"Probably the mean step librarians" Cupid said.

"Maybe" Raven said "But I think it's Headmaster Grimm, I mean, he knows about the school more than we do".

"How are you gonna talk to him?" Apple asked.

"Now that I don't know, but I'm gonna talk to him later, right now, I need to see Gold".


"You wished to see me Ms. Queen?" Gold asked Raven with a grin.

"Yes" Raven said "The key you gave me unlocked this door in a secret doorway in the lifairy, and behind the door was a mirror and this hand mirror" she showed him the hand mirror.

"Excellent! You've found the item".

"Really? This, is the item that can help break the curse?"


"But, how?"

"You'll have to figure that out on your own".

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I don't kid".

"Can you at least tell me what it does?"

Gold thought for a moment "All right, you can call it a magic mirror, and it can trap anyone inside it".


"Anyone. Any more questions?"

"Yeah, what about the other mirror in that room?"

"Now that mirror is actually another magic mirror, but I wouldn't use that mirror for anything".

"Why not?"

"Because you've got that mirror" Gold pointed to the hand mirror "And that's all you need".

"One more thing, when we were in the secret doorway, I accidentally left the key in the lock of the door, and when I went back to get it, the key was gone".

"Now that, sounds like a problem, even though you already have the item, you may loose it if the curse happens, therefor, you need the find the key and keep it safe in case you need it again".

"Oh man, I don't know how I'm gonna do that".

"Just look for it, any more questions?"

"Nah, I'm good, I need to start searching for the key".

Raven then walked away, wanting to talk to Headmaster Grimm if he had the key.

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