Ch.26 Girl's night

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It was times for girls night, and the girls first went to the 'Giant's castle' for dinner.

"I wonder why they call this place the 'Giant's castle'?" Elena wondered.

"I heard that a giant used to own this castle" Lauren said.

"I doubt that" Elena said "This is too small for a giant".

"So Julie" Francis said "Yesterday at the animal shelter, I saw you talking to Scott".

"Who?" Kayla asked.

"Scott Anders, the guy who has that squirrel in a cage near his desk".

"Oh that guy".

"So I saw you smiling and laughing with him Julie" Francis said "What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh I just helped him get his squirrel back into the cage" Julie said with a dreamy look.

"What's with the look?" Macy asked with a smile.

"What look?" Julie asked trying to hide her smile.

"I know that look" Hailee smiled "You think he's cute".


"Come on admit it" Kayla urged.

"Well he is cute-".

"So you think he's gonna ask you out?" Kayla cut in.

"I don't know, I mean, I just met him".

"Well you should talk to him more" Francis suggested.

"I might".

"Um, girls" Olivia said with a nervous look "Can we not talk about boys tonight?"

"Oh right, sorry" the girls said.

"She's right" Elena said "This is for Olivia, so no talking about boys, let's just talk about something else, such as our food that's coming here right now".

The girls saw that the waiter was coming over with their dinner.

"Thank you" the girls smiled.

"You girls enjoy" the waiter smiled as he left.

"These look good" Lauren smiled as they started to eat.

As they ate, some people started to play music on the stage. Elena then noticed that Kayla was eating her steak in a sloppy way and some barbecue sauce was all over her chin.

"Um, Kayla" she tapped her shoulder "You got a little-" she motioned the sauce in her chin.

"Oh" Kayla said as she whipped the sauce off "I really bad habit of eating like a dog".

"I can tell".

Just then, Natalie Parker, the cheerleader came up to their table.

"Well well" she said in a sassy tone "What do we have here? A girl's night that I wasn't invited to?"

"We didn't invite you, because you're a bitch" Macy said with a frown.

But Natalie just gave a little laugh "Well at least I didn't fall asleep in class today and got in trouble because of it".

"Again Macy?" Olivia whined.

"Oo, fries" Natalie said as she took some of Lauren's fries.

"You're welcome" Lauren said with sarcasm.

"So how are you feeling Olivia?" Natalie asked "Are you still sad that Aidan had an affair with Ilene and that he couldn't have done the thing with you?"

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