Ch.46 Bonding

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(This contains topics such as bullying and self harm, just a warning)

As Ilene walked down the hallway at school the next day, she stopped by Bridget.

"Hey Ilene" she said "Reyna just texted me saying that she wants you to come see her at the hospital after school".

"Oh great" Ilene sighed "She's probably just gonna yell at me telling me how pissed she is".

So after school, Ilene went to the hospital and into Reyna's room where she saw Reyna lying awake on the bed.

"Hey" she said in a calm voice.

"Hi" Reyna said in a tired voice.

"You wanted to see me?"


Ilene set her purse on the table and sat on the chair next to the bed.

"So how are you feeling?" she asked.

"Ok I guess" Reyna said "They're letting me out tonight".

"Well that's good, now why did you want to see me?"

Reyna gave a sigh.

"Are you pissed at me?"

"Yeah, but that's not why I wanted to see you. Yesterday, I heard you talking to me".


"Ilene, I'm so sorry" Reyna said with a sad look.


"I never realized how painful your life is, I thought I had the worse life".

"How could you think you're life is worse than mine? At least people don't call you a slut and a whore".

"Yeah but, I've been suffering from major depression for as long as I can remember".

"Why do you suffer from major depression?"

"I don't know, it just happened. But look Ilene, I want to apologize".

"For what?"

"For being a bitch to you, I know I'm one of the causes for your stressful life".

"Yeah that's true".

"And, well, do you wanna know why I've been bitchy to you?"

"I would like to know actually".

"Well" she sighed "It's because I used to have a crush on  Aidan, and when I heard that you had a secret relationship with him, I just flipped, I got jealous. Cause I wanted him to myself, and I've always hated Olivia too".

"So all of this happened because you were jealous of me and Aidan?"

"Yeah" she sighed "And when you told me that you slept with him, I, I was just shocked".

Ilene gave a sigh "I know, I really am a whore".

"I am too".


Reyna gave a sigh "A couple of years ago, I used to sleep with Kendell".


"I know, crazy right? But we felt that what we were doing was wrong so we stopped, and we still feel terrible today, and we never told anyone, not even our friends. And then we got over it and we still remained friends, and then I fell for Aidan, but he barely noticed me, and I thought that I wouldn't have a chance with him. And then I he started dating Olivia and I got jealous, but I hid my feelings. And then I found out about you guys, and here we are now".

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