Ch.59 Apple turnover

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At her house with the apple turnover on a plate, Elena placed her headphones into her backpack with a sad look on her face. Tomorrow she would have to leave Storybrooke and move back to New York, the place where she struggled the most. But as she packed Olivia came in.

"Hey" she said when she then noticed the stuff "Um, are you going somewhere?"

Elena gave a sad sigh "Actually, I'm moving out of Storybrooke".

"What?" Olivia gasped "How come?"

"Well Eve-".

"Eve is doing this to you?" she cut in "Elena, just because the Mayor wants you out of Storybrooke and Eve changed your grade doesn't mean you have to leave".

"Actually the Mayor doesn't want me out of Storybrooke, Eve does".

"Eve?" she gasped.

"Somehow she got the Mayor to call Mr. Gram and told him that he wanted me out of here, but really Eve wants me out, I don't know why, but she said that if I don't leave by tomorrow, she'll arrest me".

"Arrest you?"

"Turns out she's also the new sheriff in Storybrooke, and she said she was going to arrest me if I don't leave by tomorrow".

"But that's not fair!"

"Well I couldn't do anything else, so I have to leave tomorrow. But Eve and I made a deal, I'll still visit every weekend so I'll still be able to see you and everyone else, just not everyday".

"No you can't leave" Olivia begged "I'll help you go against Eve and tell her that you don't have to leave".

"It's not easy now that she's the sheriff, who knows what other things she'll do if we go against her".

"But she's not the Mayor, we can talk to Mr. Jones and tell him to let Eve leave you alone".

"I was thinking of doing that, but then I realized that he can't help me because Eve could do whatever she did to make him say that he wanted me out of Storybrooke again even though I don't know how she did it, you know I bet she's a witch and she like put him in some kind of spell, but that's nonsense".


"What I'm saying is, if I don't leave things are getting bad for me and everyone, and I want to prevent that".

"But what about Brooke?"

"What about her?"

"How do you think she'll feel about this, she brought you here for a reason".

"She brought me to break a curse, but I'm not gonna do it" Elena said with a sad look "I can't break this curse".

"That's because you're not believing in it, you have to believe in yourself".

"Wait, you believe in it?"

"Well I'm starting to, but you can't leave Elena, we need you".

"Olivia" Elena said as her eyes water "This isn't a fantasy, this is reality, things have to change. I know there isn't really a curse and this Ever After High fairytale stuff".

"You really don't believe?" Olivia asked with a sad look.

Elena gave a sigh "Not really, but this is how it has to be".

"But what about all of the things you and Brooke did?"

"I just went along to keep her happy, I admit it was exciting, but I know all of it isn't true. It's just fantasy".

"No!" Olivia gasped "You can't do this, you have to believe, you're our only hope to break the curse and bring back our memories, please stay".

"I can't, it's too late anyway, I already call my old apartment and told them I'm moving back".


"Just deal with it, I'm sorry Olivia, I had a great time here, and again I'll visit every weekend, but this is how it has to be now".

Olivia felt her eyes water as she wrapped her arms around Elena and cried on her shoulder. Elena hugged back as she too felt her eyes water. She then started to think if she should tell Olivia about her being her so called haft niece. But she decided not to, all she thought about was leaving Storybrooke and her friends behind. But then Olivia looked up and saw the turnover on the table.

"Where did you get that turnover?" she asked as they broke away.

"Oh" Elena said "I forgot to tell you that Brooke asked Eve to make that for you for getting a hundred on a test and Eve wanted me to give it to you".

"But I didn't tell Brooke about my hundred, I only told Macy, who probably told Brooke. But why would Brooke ask Eve to make this for me?"

"I guess she just wanted to be nice cause she knows that you like apple turnovers".

"Well, this is nice of her" Olivia admitted as she went to the turnover "But she didn't have to do this".

"Well apparently she did".

Olivia gave a sigh as she picked up the turnover.

"I just can't believe this is happening" she said with a sad look "You were really liking it here".

"I was" Elena said sadly "But I have no other choice".

"If only there was a way to get you to stay" Olivia said as she took a bite of the turnover.

"I wish there was too, but there's no other way so I have to-".

All of a sudden Olivia collapsed to the floor.

"Olivia?" Elena gasped with a scared look, but Olivia didn't respond.

She then bent down and started to shake her "Olivia?"

Still no answer.

"Olivia!" she screamed as the turnover fell out of Olivia's hand.

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