Ch.38 The vision

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As the sun started to set, Cupid sat on her bed on her laptop searching the untold story 'Cupid and Psyche'. Even though her father had told her that he and Headmaster Grimm didn't want her to follow the story because of the inappropriate themes, she had to know who Psyche's son was, and was he really her true lover? Does this mean she'll never be with Dexter? She searched for hours, but she couldn't find anything about Psyche's son. So she decided to video call her dad again.

"Hey dad" she said when he answered.

"Hey Cupid" he said.

"Sorry to bother you again, but I just need to know, what was the name of Psyche's son?"

Cupid gave a sigh "Well if you must know, his name was Luke, and since he died when he was born, Psyche put him in a basket and let him flow down the river".

"What?" Cupid said with a surprised look.

"I know it's sounds crazy, but she didn't want to bury him, I don't know why though".

"Well, that's all I need to know, thanks dad".

"No problem" he smiled as they signed off.

After that, Cupid thought about Luke, if he was still alive, would she be crushing on him?

After dinner at the 'Giant's Castle' Elena and Terrence walked down the lit up streets.

"So do you have any friends you hang out with?" Elena asked.

"Well" Terrence said "I usually hang out with my brother along with Scott Anders".

"Is he the guy who has that pet squirrel at the animal shelter?"

"Yeah, I also hang out with Dylan Foster, you met him when you first moved here".

"Oh yeah I know him, does he have a crush on Macy?"

"Yeah" he sighed "But no matter how hard he tries, Macy is just not into him".

"Poor guy" Elena sighed.

"I'm also great friends with Rachel Fox".

"Oh yeah I met her, she is really good at giving love advice".

"Well she is considered the love expert".

"Yeah" she agreed "So is there anyone else you hang out with?"

"Um, no actually, those are like the only people I hang out with".

"You don't have any other friends?"

"No actually" he said sadly "People tend to ignore me cause I'm not as cool as my brother".

"Well he's not that cool now since everyone knows what he cheated on Olivia".

"Yeah well, before that, he was the popular one and everyone liked him, but me, I've always been the outcast. And because of that, I was bullied and I got my glasses broken a few times".

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" Elena said with a sad look.

"That's fine, but even though I would get bullied, Aidan always has my back, and I have his".

"Well that's good, I mean, brother's always stick together".


Pretty soon they reached Gold's shop.

"Whoa" Terrence gasped as he looked through the window at a golden crown "That crown must be worth a fortune".

"Nope" Elena said as she looked at the price tag "It's only 25 dollars".

"25 dollars?!"

"Hey, I wanted to get that studded headband" she pointed to the studded headband she saw when she first moved to Storybrooke "But it was 15 bucks".

"15 bucks for a headband?!"

"I know right?" she agreed.

"Oh well" he sighed as they continued walking.

They soon came upon the 'Wonder diner' that was still open.

"Remember when we first had our little hang out here?" Elena asked.


"Remember how nervous and awkward we were?"

"Yeah" he gave an embarrassed smile.

"But look at us now, we're not afraid to talk to each other anymore".

"Oh right" he smiled.

"Terrence, I gotta say, I'm really having a fun time with you, you are like so much better than my last boyfriend, I'm glad I met you".

"Me too".

"I've never met a guy like you, you're so quirky and awkward, I like that".

"Oh, thanks" he smiled as he felt himself blushing.

He then found himself staring at her lips, he wanted to just lean in and kiss her already. But at that point, Elena was also feeling the same way. They couldn't stop staring at each others lips, and soon they felt themselves leaning in. But as their lips were about to touch, Terrence looked behind Elena and saw Rachel watching them.

"Rachel?" he said as she gasped and ran away.

"Hold on" he told Elena as he went after Rachel "Rachel wait!"

He went after her until he managed to catch up with her behind a building.

"Rachel stop!" he ordered as she stopped and turned to him with an embarrassed look on her face "Were you spying on us?"

"I-" she said with a nervous look, not knowing what to say "I-".

"Calm down first".

"You know what?!" she snapped, she couldn't take it anymore "Yeah I was spying on you guys!"

"But why?!"

"Because I can't stand you liking Elena! Seriously! What does she have that I don't?!

"Rachel what are you talking about?"

"Is it because she's hotter than me? What is it? Why do you like her?"

"Rachel what is with you?"

"I can't take it anymore!" she yelled as she felt her eyes water.

"Hey calm down, what's your problem?"

"My problem?! You want the truth? My problem is that you like Elena! And I've know you more than she does!"

"Rachel, are you, jealous of me and Elena?"

"What do you think?!"

"Rachel seriously calm down! This isn't like you!"

"I can't calm down! You know whenever I see you with Elena, you know what I feel, my heart breaking! It's like a knife stabbing heart!"

"What are you trying to say?! Cause if there's something I need to know tell me now!"

"I- I-".

At that point Rachel grabbed onto his face and pulled him into a kiss. But as she kissed him, she saw an image in her mind of a dark figure of a guy looking into her eyes. She opened her eyes and quickly pulled away with a shocked look. Terrence also had a shocked look.

"Rachel" he said as she quickly ran away "Rachel wait!"

But she was already gone. Terrence couldn't believe what just happened, he then looked down and saw a small pink notebook on the ground, the notebook was opened revealing the page where Rachel had wrote her name along with his name with hearts around. He picked it up and examined it. All this time Rachel has had a crush on him, and now he knew.

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