Ch.60 The Evil Queen

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At the Storybrooke Hospital, doctors pulled Olivia down on the rolling bed as Elena ran by her side until they stopped in the operating room.

"What happened?" the doctor asked Elena.

"I don't know she just took a bite of this and she collapsed!" Elena held up a bag with the turnover in it.

"Elena!" Brooke called as she ran to her "I got your text, what happened?"

"Olivia took a bite of this turnover and then she just collapsed!"

"Wait let me see that" Brooke said as she took the bag and examined the turnover "Apple!" she gasped "Elena where did you get this?"

"Eve gave it to me".


"She told me that you asked her to make this turnover for Olivia for getting a hundred on a test and then she wanted me to give this to her".

"But I didn't ask Eve to do that, I didn't even know about the hundred until now".

"What?" Elena's eyes widen.

"I didn't ask Eve to make a turnover for Olivia".

"Wait, so if you didn't ask her to do it, then-" both of them gasped "Eve wanted to poison Olivia!"

"Oh my gosh" Brooke gasped "I just realized something, the apple turnover, it all make sense now!"


"Don't you see, Eve was the one who stole that apple from Mr. Gold's shop, and that apple happens to be the same one the Evil gave Snow White!"

"The Poison Apple?!" Elena gasped.

"And that's not all, I finally realize who Eve reminded me of, she's the Evil Queen!"

"The Evil Queen?! Wait a minute, if she's the Evil Queen, doesn't that also mean that she's-" her eyes widen "My mother?!"

Both of them gasped with their eyes widen.

"Oh my God" Elena gasped "My mother poisoned Olivia, and you said that she's the daughter of Snow White".


Elena stood there full of shock as she then felt her blood boil.

"Oh I am so gonna get her for this" she growled.

"Not only that" Brooke added "Now that we know she's the Evil Queen, you can finally stop her and break the curse!"

"But, how am I suppose to do that?"

"We still have the mirror, and that mirror can trap anyone in it, and now we know who to use it for".

"But how exactly are we suppose to use it?"

"I'll tell you later, but first we have to find Eve".

"But what about Olivia?"

"We'll do all we can" the doctor said.

Elena gave a worried sigh.

"Come on" Brooke said "We have to stop Eve".

So Elena and Brooke went out of the hospital and got into Elena's car and drove off with Brooke at the wheel.

"So I found out that there is a spell in order to put someone into the mirror" she said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper "All you have to do is aim the mirror at the person and say the spell and they'll be sucked into the mirror".

Elena read the spell on the paper: We cast this spell out to protect; while upon your deeds you shall reflect. You've failed this world to overwhelm, and are cast into the Mirror Realm!

"I really hope this works" she said with a nervous look.

"It will" Brooke said as they spotted Eve walking down the sidewalk.

"There she is" Elena said as Brooke parked the car and they got out and went towards Eve.

"Eve!" Elena yelled as Eve stopped and turned around.

"What do you want Elena?" Eve asked annoyed.

"You did this!" Elena yelled with anger.

"Did what?"

"You poisoned Olivia with the turnover! You were the one who stole the apple from Mr. Gold's shop and lied to me so Olivia would eat the turnover! I can't believe you! Mother" she scowled.

Eve gave a sneaky smile.

"Took you long enough to figure it out" she grinned.

"Now that I know who you really are" Elena frowned "Why did you want me out of Storybrooke?"

"Because I wanted to get you away from everyone so you can learn to follow your destiny! When will you learn that being evil can be so much fun?"

"Even though I don't remember everything, I will never be evil like you, you can't decided on my destiny, I choose it! I'm happy being me, and now you've taken a friend away from me".

"I did what I had to do, you shouldn't be friends with your enemy, you have to hate her! And once you learn to hate her, you'll feel powerful that nothing can stand in your way, don't you wanna make mama proud?"

"Being evil and hating my friend is not what I want" Elena scowled "I love my friends, being evil is not going to help me, it'll only help you! All you care about is yourself!"

"Raven!" Eve gasped.

"And now my friend is in a deep sleep because of you! Wake her up! Wake her up now!"

"I can't, there's isn't a way".

Elena felt her blood boil some more.

"Oh just deal with it honey" Eve said "All she ever wanted was for you to be evil so she could get her happily ever after. She's just a pristine wannabe who only cares about becoming queen, I bet she doesn't even care about you".

Elena was getting more mad as purple flames began to form on her head.

"Uh Elena" Brooke said when she saw the flames.

"Don't. You. EVER! Talk about my friend like that!" Elena growled as the flames got bigger "EVER AGAIN!"

And with that she shot out some purple light from her hands towards Eve which sent her crashing into a car. Elena and Brooke looked at her hands which had purple steam coming out from them. Both were shocked at what happened.

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