Ch.39 Mean Prank

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The Enchanted Lake has always been a favorite place for Duchess Swan to dance, it's the time where she shuts her mind off of everything and calms herself by doing her ballet on the lake. Being the daughter of the Swan Queen, Duchess has always loved ballet, she's been doing since she was a kid, and dancing was her life. But she remembered her tragic destiny, even though she had a prince in her story, she looses him at the end by killing herself. Duchess has always been afraid of her destiny, and because she doesn't have a happily ever after, she's considered a grumpy ballerina who no one really likes. And everyday she seems depressed, and sometimes at night, she would cry in her sleep. The only person who knows about her crying in her sleep is her roommate Lizzie Hearts, she was a good friend of Duchess, they both bonded pretty well. And even though they share their ups and downs, they remain friends throughout drama.

Pretty soon the bell of the school rang, it was time to go back to class. Duchess turned into her swan form and flew back to Evert After High. It was one of her magic touches to turn into a swan next to dancing on water. She then turned back to her normal self and went inside the school. After her class she went to the Castleteria and sat alone at a table. As she ate, she spotted Daring Charming talking to Lizzie, as she watched them she felt her jealously rising, she has had a crush on Daring for a while, but he always seemed to be interested in Lizzie. But then she remembered her story, even if she did dated Daring, she'll just loose him. She gave a sigh as she continued eating.

"Hey Duchess" her friend Sparrow Hood sat next to her "You're still thinking about Daring?"

"Yeah" she sighed.

"Aren't you ever gonna get over him?"

"I don't know, I mean, I would love it if he was my prince, but then I realized, even if he is my prince, I'm just gonna loose him as I die at the end of my story".

"Yikes, tough luck".

"Tell me about it" she agreed.

"Well at least you're not forced to rob from the rich and give to the poor while a sheriff is after you".

"Well at least you don't die at the end of your story" she said sarcastically as Sparrow frowned.

Duchess then looked at Daring and Lizzie again, she saw that they were even laughing together. If only she and Daring were like that.

It was now Monday afternoon, and in the front yard of Storybrooke High, Ilene Moore walked from the school and across the front yard. Hanging on the school was a sign that said 'Vote for Homecoming King and Queen!'. The Homecoming dance was coming up, but Ilene didn't even bother to care, dances weren't her thing. She then made her way to the picnic table that rested under a shady tree and sat with her friends Amanda and Lauren. They were her only friends that understood her.

"Hey Ilene" Amanda said "I'm sorry I called you a slut, I was just really disappointed that you slept with Aidan".

"You slept with Aidan?" Lauren gasped.

Ilene gave Amanda a frown.

"And I'm sorry for saying it in front of Lauren" Amanda added with a guilty look.

Ilene gave a sigh "It's fine I guess, I mean, it is true. And I feel like such a bad person, I think I should-".

"Attention students" they heard Mr. Gram say in the announcements "It's time to announce the nominees for Homecoming King and Queen!"

Some cheering was heard as Ilene rolled her eyes.

"What's the point of Homecoming anyway?" she asked as Amanda and Lauren shrugged.

"The first nominee is Olivia Morgan" Mr. Gram said as some more cheering was heard.

And inside the school hallways, Olivia was embraced with hugs from Macy and Elena and her other friends.

"Of course she's a nominee" Amanda said with a bored look.

"And the other nominee is Elena Jensen" Mr. Gram added.

Elena's eyes widen as her friends cheered for her.

"Wow" she said surprised "I'm actually a nominee!"

"Well that's great for Elena" Lauren smiled.

"And finally" Mr. Gram added "For the last nominee, the last nominee is, Ilene Whore".

"WHAT?!" Ilene yelled as some laughter was heard.

"That is so true!" she heard Reyna laughed.

"I thought your name was Ilene Moore" a guy said to Ilene.

"It is fricking Ilene Moore!" she yelled to him with anger.

"Oops pardon me" Mr. Gram said "It appears I've made a mistake, the real last nominee is Julie Green, my apologies".

"Yay! Go Julie!" they heard everyone cheer.

"Well at least you're not a nominee anymore" Amanda said.

"Oh hey Ilene Whore!"  Natalie teased as she and Reyna laugh.

"You two!" Ilene yelled as she stomped her way towards them "You did this!"

"Hey it wasn't my idea" Natalie said "Thank Reyna".

"Now you have a new nickname that matches your personality" Reyna said with a sassy smile.

"You bitch!"

"Oh suck it up whore" Reyna said with a frown "It's true you know. Everyone knows about Aidan cheating on Olivia with you, and did you care that he was still with Olivia? No, cause all you care about is yourself. You're a slut Ilene, I mean look at you, you dress like a slut, you had a secret relationship with Aidan when he was dating Olivia, and what about those slutty pictures of you on Instagram? And you know what? I bet that you even slept with Aidan, and you wanna know why? Cause you're a slut. And who's fault is it? Oh that's right, yours".

Ilene felt her face turn red with anger as she felt her blood boil. Even though Reyna was right about her, she has had enough of her bitchiness.

"I really hope you enjoyed yourself today" she said with a fake smile.

"I did" Reyna said with her sassy smile.

"Great, because I am done with you" Ilene scowled "You've crossed the line and gotten me pissed. And because of that, I will get you back. I will not sleep until your life is as painful as mine. I can do some horrible stuff when I'm pissed, but not as bad as what I'm gonna do to you. And when I do, you'll be thinking 'Why did I ever mess with Ilene Moore?!'"

And with that she stomped away towards her car.

"Hey Ilene Whore!" Kendell laughed.

At that point, Ilene swung her purse hard across his face as he put his hand to his face as it turned red from the sting.

"That. Is NOT. My name" she growled as she got in her car and drove away.

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