Ch.36 Ogre fight

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After helping Natalie, Elena went home and started to get ready for her date with Terrence tonight. But she was having a hard time picking an outfit to wear.

"Olivia" she said "Do you have an ideas on what I should wear?"

"What you're wearing right now is fine" she said.

"But this is my first date with another guy since my last boyfriend dumped me, and I just want everything to go well".

"It will go well, you just have to be yourself".

"I'm just really nervous" Elena said with a nervous look "What if something happens?"

"Elena" Olivia said as she put her hands on her shoulders "Nothing bad will happen, you're being paranoid, in fact, you're acting like how I was when I was about to go on my first date with Aidan".

"How did it go?"

"Everything went great, we had a good time. And I'm telling you, nothing bad will happen, and like what Rachel always says, be yourself and have a good time" she smiled.

Elena gave a sigh "All right".

"And again, what you're wearing is perfect, you don't need to change, but if I were you, I'd put on a spritz of perfume and maybe do your hair a little".

"On it" Elena said as she started to brush her hair.

In the Enchanted Forest, the girls followed Vincent down the forest until they made it to the ogre's cave.

"That's the cave?" Faybelle asked him.

"That's the cave" he said.

"It looks creepy" Briar said with a nervous look.

"Well it does belong to an ogre, I'll see of he's home".

He walked towards the cave and carefully peeked inside.

"It's clear" he called to the girls as they went towards the cave.

"Ok" Vincent said "Faybelle's wings should be in there, now here's the plan, Faybelle, you and Raven go in and look for your wings while Briar and I wait out here and keep lookout".

"On it" Raven said.

"My wings better be in there" Faybelle said as they went inside the dark cave.

As they went in, Vincent and Briar waited outside.

"So um" he said "Can you like, just fall asleep now and hear when the ogre's coming?"

"Um, I fall asleep unexpectedly" she said "Like I don't know when I'm gonna-".

At that point she hit the ground fast asleep.

"Well that was fast" Vincent said.

Raven used her powers to create a ball of purple flame in her hands and used it as light around the cave.

"This place stinks" Faybelle stated as a foul stench struck their noses.

"Let's just find your wings and get out of here" Raven said.

Outside the cave, Vincent looked at Briar who was still asleep on the ground. He looked around the woods not knowing what to do. As Briar was sleeping, her super hearing caught the sound of a loud thump from deep within the forest followed by more thumps. She then heard the sound of a large jaw crunching on some bones. She knew it was the ogre heading towards his cave. She then woke up with a gasp.

"What is it?" Vincent asked with a worried look.

"I hear him coming" she said with a scared look.

"The ogre?" he gasped as she nodded.

"Raven! Faybelle!" he yelled into the cave "Hurry up he's coming!"

"We can't find it!" Faybelle yelled back.

"Wait a minute" Raven said as she used her powers to move a large boulder out of the way revealing a large hole with Faybelle's wrapped up wings inside "Found them".

Faybelle gasped as she pulled her wings out and held them against her body.

"Come on" Raven said as they ran out of the cave.

"You got it?" Vincent asked.

"Right here" Faybelle showed him her wrapped up wings.

"So how are you gonna put your wings back on?" Briar asked "Will they just magically reattach to your back?"

"I don't know, let's see" Faybelle said as she started to unwrap her wings.

But before she could expose her wings, a loud growl was heard.

"Who dares cross my territory?!" a loud deep voice was heard.

Everyone turned around and saw the ogre heading towards them with a mad look.

"Run!" Vincent yelled as they tried to run, but they were blocked when the ogre threw a large boulder in front of them.

"You!" the ogre pointed to Vincent "Why are you back? And why does she have my wings?" he pointed to Faybelle.

"These aren't your wings these are my wings!" Faybelle yelled back "And I'm taking them back!"

The ogre then charged at her, but she quickly moved out of the way as the ogre missed her. But when he turned around, he charged at her again, but she used her powers to push him away from her. But then the ogre picked up a boulder and threw it at her, but Faybelle used her powers to break the boulder.

"I don't understand why I needed help" she said to herself "I can handle this".

But as she wasn't paying attention, the ogre threw some rocks at her as one of them hit her in the shin. She cried in pain as she clutch her shin and fell to the ground as the ogre went towards her. But Raven stepped in front of Faybelle and used her powers to push him away. Raven then used her powers to lift up some boulders and threw them at the ogre who moved out of the way. And while Raven battled the ogre, Faybelle unwrapped the cloths and saw her wings. Just then the wings flew out from the cloths and reattached themselves to Faybelle's back as she gasped. Everyone watched at the wings sealed themselves onto her back, she then flew up a bit, her wings were back and they were good as new.

"Looks like you've lost ogre" she smirked.

"Oh I'll get those wings back!" the ogre growled as he headed towards her, but Raven used her magic to throw a purple ball of magic at his face and he collapsed to the ground with a snore.

"Come on" Vincent said as they all left the territory.

"Why did he want your wings so badly?" Briar asked Faybelle.

"Who knows" Faybelle shrugged "But at least I got my wings back".

"Hey you wouldn't of gotten them back if I didn't help you" Raven said.

"Oh, well, yeah".

"And I think I deserve a little something" Raven said with a smirk.

"What?" Faybelle asked as Raven gave her the look "Oh".

"Come on, say it" Raven said.

"Man" Faybelle whined "I'm not suppose to say this".

"You have to, I helped you, now say it please".

Faybelle gave a sigh "Fine. Tha- than-".

"Come on" Raven urged.

"Th-th-thannnk you" Faybelle said in an uncomfortable tone.

"You're welcome" Raven smiled "Now let's get back to Ever After".

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