Ch.23 A new friendship

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(Before the curse) Raven clutched her books and lowered her head as she walked down the hallway of Ever After High. It was the first day and the first year for all students to come, and Raven was off to a rough start. Everyone knew that she was the daughter of the Evil Queen, and they all thought that Raven was just like her mom, so they all backed away from her in fear and ignored her. Raven felt so insecure and shy that no one will ever talk to her, she sat alone at lunch and played with her peas with her fork. And she walked down the hall, Faybelle Thorn put her foot out in front of Raven and watched her trip over her foot and land on the floor with her books scattered everywhere.

"Watch where you're going loser" she said in a sassy tone as she walked away while laughing.

Raven just picked up her books and sucked in her tears as she walked down the hall. No one talked to her the whole day, and no one sat next to her in class. As she walked down the hall, she heard some people say rude things about her.

"I hear that she uses the blood of her victims for potions" someone said.

"I heard that she turned some village guy into a rat when he would let her have something for free".

"I bet she's planning on ruining the Prom this year".

"If she talks to you, just ignore her".

"Why did she have to come here? Couldn't she of gone with homeschooling?"

Raven buried her face into her books and ran down the hall and into a janitor closet and closed herself in. She then let all of her tears out, she did wanted to be home schooled, but her mother made her go so she can follow her destiny and be the next Evil Queen. Raven felt that her life was terrible, she knew that no body wanted to be her friend, and that everyone expects her to be evil like her mother. But if only they can see the truth about Raven. Raven continued to cry some more when she suddenly heard a knock on the door. The door then slowly opened and a girl with curly hair that was purple, white, and turquoise on different strands and a purple teacup hat on her head peeked in.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Aren't you afraid that I might hurt you?" Raven asked with tears rolling down her cheek.

"I'm not afraid of you, you don't seem harmless".

The girl came in and shut the door and sat in front of Raven.

"I saw what everyone did to you today, ignoring you, talking bad about you, what a bunch of jerks they are".

Raven didn't say anything.

"I know what will make you feel better" the girl said as she reached into her hat and pulled out a cup of tea "Some mint tea can help lower your stress".

"No thanks" Raven mumbled.

"Oh come on" the girl urged with a smile "It really helps, just try it".

Raven gave a sigh as she took the cup and took a sip of the mint tea.

"I feel the same" she said.

"Just keep drinking it and give it time" the girl said "You know what else helps with stress? A riddle, okay I got one, take off my skin, I wont cry, but you will, what am I?"

Raven started to think about the riddle, but she didn't know what the answer was.

"I don't know" she said.

"I'm an onion" the girl smiled.

"Oh" Raven said.

"Get it?"

"Yeah I got it".

"By the way, I really like your style".

"Oh, thanks" Raven said.

"So who's your roommate this year?"

"I don't have a roommate".


"No one wants to be my roommate, or my friend".

The girl put on a sad look "Well if no one's gonna be your roommate, then I'll be your roommate".

"What?" Raven said surprised.

"Yeah, I don't have a roommate yet, so I might as well room with you".

"Why do you wanna room with me, and why are you so nice to me?"

"Because unlike others, I can look at you and see that you're not evil, and I can tell that you never want to be evil. Look, when your mother poisoned Wonderland and we all had to leave our home-".

"You're from Wonderland?" Raven gasped.


"I am so sorry about my mom cursing your land".

"That's okay, but anyway, after the curse on Wonderland, I always thought that you were evil like your mom, but when I saw you today feeling lonely and sad, I can tell just by looking at you that you're not evil, and I know that all you need right now, is a friend, and I wanna be your friend".

"Really?" Raven asked.

"Really" the girl smiled.

Raven started to shed some more tears, but instead of sad tears, they were tears of joy.

"Thank you" she smiled.

"Come here" the girl opened her arms and gave Raven a hug.

Raven cried on the girls shoulders, feeling so happy that this girl wanted to be her friend.

"Now let's talk to Headmaster Grimm into getting use roomed together" the girl said as they stood up "Oh wait, I didn't get your name".

"It's Raven" Raven said.

"Well nice to meet you Raven, I'm Madeline, but you can call me Maddie".

Raven smiled as they walked out of the closet together with Maddie's hand in Raven's.

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