Ch.14 Motorcycle gang

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Now in her dorm, Raven looked at the key with the raven's feather that Gold had given her. She wondered what the key would unlock that would help break the curse if it ever happened. At that point, Apple walked in.

"Oh there you are" she said "Where've you been?"

"Faybelle and I went to see a leprechaun name Gold" Raven said.

"A leprechaun?"

"Faybelle told me that he could help me prevent my mother's curse, but he said that he couldn't do it, and instead he gave me this key".

"What's the key for?"

"He said that if the curse ever happens, I'll use this key to unlock something and it'll reveal an item that'll help break the curse, but I just don't know what is it I have to unlock".

"It could just be a box".

"Yeah, but what would be the item be?"

"A wand?"


"So wait, there's no way to prevent the curse?"

"Only if I get rid of the spell book, but if my mom finds it first and casts the curse, then it's too late".

Apple gave a sad looked as she went to the window still and placed her arms on it.

"If the curse does happen" she said "We'll get a terrible fate, and we'll never get out happily ever afters".

"Well" Raven said as she joined Apple by the window "Some of us don't have happily ever afters, but my mom said this curse will be worse then our unhappy endings, now what could be worse then that?"

"I don't know, and I don't think I wanna know".

The next day, Elena met Olivia outside of school where they sat at a table under a shady tree.

"So when are you gonna talk to Terrence?" Olivia asked.

"I think after school" Elena said "But I have to wait for the right moment".

"What are you gonna say?"

"Uh, I don't know, what should I say?"

"How about you ask him to hang out with you at the 'Wonder diner'?"

"I might do that".

Olivia then looked behind Elena "Oh oh".

"What?" Elena asked as she turned around.

"It's Natalie Parker, the head cheerleader".


"The chic who's on her phone and chewing gum".

Elena saw Natalie with her blonde hair up in a ponytail and was texting on her phone while chewing gum.

"You don't wanna mess with her" Olivia said "She's mean, bossy, and vain, I feel sorry for the other cheerleaders who have to deal with her, so if I were you, I wouldn't join the cheer squad".

"Well I don't plan to" Elena said.

Just then, the sounds of motorcycle engines were heard, and 3 guys riding motorcycles drove up to the school.

"And there's the motorcycle gang" Olivia said "They're rockers that formed a band called 'The Merry Men'".

"They're in a band?"

"They're pretty good actually, well, sometimes they are".

Elena saw that 2 of the guys had girls sitting behind them, one of the girls was Reyna.

"Reyna's friends with them?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, they're like her only friends".

Elena saw the other girl with purple and magenta streaks in her dark hair and a pair of headphones around her neck.

"The other girl is Bridget Carson" Olivia said "Mr. Carson's daughter".

The only guy who rode alone took off his helmet revealing his chestnut colored hair.

"And that's their leader Kendell" Olivia pointed to him "He's annoying sometimes".

The motorcycle gang then walked together towards the school.

"Bridget and Reyna rides with them everyday" Olivia added "And I'm surprised they haven't gotten into an accident yet".

Just then, the gang noticed Elena and they walked up her.

"Hey" Kendell said to Elena "You're the new chic right?"

"Yeah" Elena said.

"Well I've heard your singing in Music, your really good".

"Oh, thank you".

"My dad says he's really glad you're in his class" Bridget said with a smile.

Elena saw that Bridget had a tattoo of a music note on her hand between her thumb and pointer finger.

"Do you play any instrument?" Kendell asked.

"I can play the electric guitar" she offered.

"Nice" Kendell grinned "Hey how would you like to join our group? We could use your singing and guitar playing".

"Oh" Elena said surprised.

"I'm in their group too" Bridget said "So you wont be the only girl".

"What do you play?"

"I'm actually a DJ, but sometimes I can play the pipes".

"I'm not in it" Reyna said "I have an awful singing voice".

"Ain't that the truth" one of the guys said as Reyna scowled at him.

"So what do you say?" Kendell asked "Wanna join?"

"Um" Elena looked at Olivia who gave a shrug "Can you give me time to think about it?"

"Sure" Bridget smiled "Take all the time you need, and whenever you've got your answer, just tell us".

"Ok" Elena said as the gang went away.

"You sure you wanna join them?" Olivia asked.

"I don't know" Elena said "But I'm gonna think about it".

Just then, the bell rang.

"Well let's get to class" Olivia said as they got up and headed towards the entrance.

The Evil Queen walked back and forth in her room and she thought about who took the spell book and where is it. She then looked at her magic mirror.

"Mirror mirror on the wall" she said "Where is my spell book?"

"Somewhere safe so you'll never find it" the mirror said.

"Well who took it?"

"Someone who wants to protect the fairytale world".

"Well who is it?!"

"Figure it out yourself".

"What?! Are you serious?!"

But the mirror said nothing. The queen gave a growl as she started to think about who could of taken the book and where it is. After a moment of thinking, she got an idea.

"Oh" she said with a grin "I know who took it".

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