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I sighed as we waited through traffic. Now and then I turned to look behind us. The cabbie started to swear underneath his breath. I sighed and looked at the text in my hand. "221B Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes." I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket. As we waited the traffic gradually faded. We drove to the street address. When we got there I looked up at the small apartments. I got out and paid the cab driver. He nodded and took my pounds. I grabbed my purse and grabbed my suitcase. I walked to the building and buzzed Mr. Sherlock's doorbell. I heard someone run down the stairs. The door flown open and I looked at a tall, skinny, black hair and light blue eyes man standing in front of me. "Mr. Sherlock Holmes I'm..."

"Yes I know who you are. Ashley Handerson right?"

"Oh you don't need to know that." He looked me up and down. I did the same. Then that's when I notice that his clothing was very particular. He must of rushed out of bed. I saw that he was wearing blue stripped pj's with a dark blue dressing gown. I shivered and rubbed my arms.

"Let's get you back inside. Warm you up." I nodded and he moved aside for me to get through. We walked upstairs to his flat. Headlights and the street lights were shinning through the window behind the curtains. I looked around at the dark room. I set my bag down on the floor. "So hows the United States?"

"Oh it's pretty crazy now a days." He nodded and turned on a light. The light lit up the entire room. I nodded on how semi clean it was in here. There were papers and books stacked on top of each other. He sat down in his chair and looked at me.

"So Ashley what kind of a flat are you looking for?" I shrugged and yawned. He also yawned and stood up. "Well I will let you stay here for the time being." 

"Can you call me Gen please, I don't like my name. I just got it changed." He smiled and nodded. I breathed in deeply and he walked down the hall to his bedroom. He closed the door and I heard another open. I turned and looked as the apartment door opened. I pulled out my gun. I looked around and saw no one. I shrugged and closed the door. I turned and there was a man dressed in black. He walked toward me and I hit the door. I pushed back at the man. He held out a rag and I tried to dodge him. He caught me and shoved me to the ground. He took my gun and tossed it to the couch. He put a knee to my back as he held it to my mouth and nose. I couldn't breathe with him on my back. I heard the bedroom door slam open and I saw the Sherlock had run out of the room. I couldn't take it anymore I tried to get my foot out from underneath him. He stopped my leg with his foot. He still had the cloth to my face and I started to pass out. I risked a sniff and I gagged against the smell. Through the haze I saw Sherlock and the man fighting. I lifted my head and gasped. I felt my head hit the floor and darkness surrounded me. I felt someone lift me into their arms and carried me off the floor.

I woke up some time later and lifted my head. I looked around and saw the Sherlock was sitting next to me touching my head with a cloth. I touched his hand and he smiled. I opened my mouth to say something and he put his index finger on my mouth. "Ssh you don't need anything to say right now. We'll be able to talk more in the morning." He touched my face and looked at my head. He nodded and put the rag into a bowl. He turned back to me and helped me lay back down. I touched his hand and smiled. He took the bowl and walked out. I laid back down and sighed. I watched as he walked over to his couch and lay down. I sat up and touched his soft bedding. It felt like silk but it wasn't. I saw that his room was a color of a plum. I smiled and moved the blankets aside. I stood and walked out of the room. I saw that he went right back to sleep. I smiled and turned around. I grabbed the blanket off the bed. I walked back to Sherlock and put the blanket onto him. I tucked it underneath his chin and walked into the bathroom to change.

7 am

When I came out the light somehow shifted. I looked around and it was lighter. I walked into the living room and Sherlock had the blanket wrapped around him more tightly. I looked at my watch 7:35 am. I sighed and walked back into the bedroom. I grabbed my clothes and shut the door. I quickly changed and shoved everything back into my bag. I walked out and Sherlock was still asleep. I walked into the kitchen. I looked around trying to find some food. I opened his fridge and saw a head in the fridge staring at me. I looked at Sherlock confused and shrugged. I grabbed the eggs and some bacon. I pulled out a pan and put it onto the stove and cracked the eggs. I put the bacon right next to the eggs and fried them. I heard Sherlock groan and he walked passed me. I heard him walk into the bathroom and I heard the sink water turn on. I finished and started the tea for Sherlock. I put it down next to his plate and sat down. I opened the paper to see what was new. I looked at the article, about the assassination. I crumpled up the article and shoved it into my pocket. I heard the door open and Sherlock walked into the kitchen. He sat down across from me and looked at the food. He cleared his throat. "Thank you Gen for breakfast."

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now