Married Again

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I looked at myself in the mirror as Mary helped me with my hair. "Mary can I tell you something?"


"I feel like I'm getting married to Sherlock a second time."

"Oh honey you must have been dreaming."

"No I honestly think I got married to him before and had 3 children." she sighed and smiled.

"Well that must have been a nice dream last night." I nodded and she finished. I smiled and hugged her. 

"Thank you." I watched as John led Sherlock blindfolded out of the bedroom. I smiled and walked over to Sherlock. His leg was still badly injured since the case so we decided it would be best if he got married in a wheelchair. I touched his face and he smiled at me. 

"Ashley why the silly blindfold?" he said turning his face up to me.

"Because I don't need anymore bad luck, especially on my wedding day." he smiled and I kissed his nose. "I'll see you soon." he nodded and I took his hand. John smiled and started to push Sherlock to the stairs. I smiled and grabbed my flowers. I walked down the stairs. John was helping Sherlock into the cab and I climbed in after them. I sat down across Sherlock and took his hand. He stroked my hand and I smiled. John and Mary were looking at us and smiling. I watched as she touched her stomach. 


"Oh thank you I just found out yesterday." Sherlock turned to me confused. I nodded and we made it to the church. John helped Sherlock out of the car and back into the wheelchair. Sherlock reached up to grab his blindfold. I stopped him.

"No not yet." he started to protest and I touched his lips with my finger. He kissed it and I nodded to John. He pushed Sherlock into the building. I smiled and Mary took my arm. I smiled widely and we walked in after the boys. Mary left me by the door to the chapel and I breathed in deeply. I looked at my hands as I started to shake. I breathed in deeply and the music started. I turned and started to walk down the isle. I noticed Sherlock was still blindfolded as I walked down the isle. I breathed in deeply. I was waiting for this moment the first time I laid eyes on Sherlock. I stood next to him and the priest looked down at Sherlock.

"Do you want to take the blind fold off?"

"Not yet. I want to wait until I'm married to my wife." he shrugged and I turned to face Sherlock.

"Do you William Sherlock Scott Holmes take Ashley Whitney Handerson to be your wife? Through sickness and in health til death do you part."

"I do."


"I do." I smiled at him and he shrugged. 

"You may now kiss your bride." I bend down and Sherlock took of his blindfold. I kissed him before he could open his eyes. He put his hand on my waist and I held onto his collar. He pulled back and looked at me.

"Your..." I blushed and looked away. Sherlock cupped my chin. He pulled me back to look at me again. "Beautiful."

"Your my husband you have to say that." he smiled and kissed my nose. I looked down at his leg and he rubbed it. "Hurts?" he nodded and I smiled. I picked up the ends of my dress and John let me wheel him into the reception hall. I looked at the lovely building and waited by the front entrance and smiled as the guests strolled on in. I put my hand onto Sherlock's shoulder and smiled at everyone. 

"Congratulations, Ashley." my parents walked up to us. I smiled and Sherlock looked up at them.

"Mom, dad."

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now