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I sat up and touched my 3 month old stomach and got up from the chair. I walked into the kitchen and sighed. I got myself a cup of water and Sherlock walked into the living room. "Hey how are you feeling?"

"I felt a little sick, but I think I'm fine now."

"Alright how's the baby doing?"

"I think better now that I'm not being beaten up, left, right and center." he nodded and kissed the top of my head. He touched my stomach and I smiled.

"Hey I want to show you something." I looked up at him and he led me to the bedroom. He kicked open the door out from behind him. I smiled as he put his hand onto my eyes. He walked around me and led me into the room.

"Sherl what is it?"

"Wait a second. Keep your eyes closed." I kept my eyes closed and Sherlock walked toward the bed. I heard him move around some things and he took my hand. "Okay you can open your eyes now." I looked and saw a new baby crib. I gasped and touched my stomach. It was shaped in a crescent moon and Sherlock kissed my cheek. I walked over to it and touched the smoothed edges. I touched the little blanket and turned back. I started to tear up and he walked over to me. I buried my face into his chest and he rubbed my back. "John thought you would like it."

"This was his idea?"

"His idea, but I made it." I pulled back and looked up at him. He smiled and nodded. "I made it about 2 weeks ago and I wanted to wait until today to show you." I walked back to the crib and touched the sanded down wood. I looked up at him.

"No you couldn't have made this."

"Oh no look at my hands." he showed me his splintered hands and I looked up at him. I smiled and kissed him.

"You know soaking your hands in water will help the wood come out of your hands." he nodded and I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and put it onto the table. He sat down and put his hands into the bowl to soak. I leaned over him and grabbed a rag. He took his hands out and I started to rub the splinters out of his hands. After a tedious work of soaking and pulling his hands were clean of splinters. I sighed and walked to the chair to rub my feet. I sighed and lifted my swollen feet. Sherlock walked over to his chair and sat down. He picked up my feet and started to rub them.

A month later

I sat up in bed and got up to go to the bathroom. I slowly made my way to the bathroom. I finished doing my business and walked back to the bedroom. I sighed and curled back up into the blankets.

In the morning I got up and dressed to go to the hospital for a check up. I put my coat on and wrapped my scarf around my neck and Sherlock walked out of the bedroom. He smiled and walked over to me. He kissed the top of my head and I walked out and down the stairs. I climbed into the cab and drove to the hospital. I walked into the hospital room and the doctor looked at me. "So how are you feeling Mrs. Holmes."

"I'm feeling alright." he nodded and walked over to me. I sat down on the physical exam table and he started his observations. He finished and smiled at me.

"Baby is fine everything looks all normal you can go now." I stood up and fixed my shirt. I walked out of the hospital and down to the curb. I groaned and touched my stomach. I made it home and walked up the stairs. I breathed in deeply my side still hurting, but didn't think about it again. I walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat and John ran up the stairs.

"Where's Sherlock?"

"I thought he was with you." he shook his head and I walked into the bedroom. Sherlock wasn't in there and I turned to John. I shrugged and he nodded. "Why what's up?"

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now