Jail time

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I sighed and looked at the kids. They were on the other side of the observation glass. I looked at Sherlock and he smiled at me. "Mum when are you coming out of there?"

"Oh Johnny I don't know. Maybe they'll let me out for the birth." I felt my 2 month stomach and sighed. I looked at the orange jumpsuit and turned back to Sherlock.

"Mummy, I want hug." I smiled and tears were running down my face. I sighed and wiped them away with my right hand since my left was cuffed to the table. I touched the glass and Sherlock Mary touched the other side of the glass trying to touch my hand. I smiled at her and Sherlock cleared his throat.

"So Gen you won't be put on trial since the death of the President was 3 1/2 years ago they can't do much to you now." I nodded and sighed. "But you will have to serve time in jail until the baby is born." I nodded and looked around at the camera. I shifted and leaned forward.

"Sherlock please take care of the kids. Mom and dad are more then willing to let you stay with them." He nodded and I kissed my hand. I placed it onto the window and he touched my hand on the other side of the glass. I sighed and the member of the SWAT team came in.

"Times up." I nodded and Sherlock stood to leave. The cop uncuffed me and I walked back into my cell. I looked around and sighed. I sat on the bed and touched my stomach again. The cop shut the door and I looked at the pile of books in the corner. I picked up one and started where I left off. I sighed and leaned against the wall. I heard the cell door open and I saw that the cop was escorting Sherlock. I stood and Sherlock thanked the cop. He walked into the cell and I ran over to him. He embraced me and I sighed.

"Sherlock how did you do that?" He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh I was just wondering how did you get the cop to let you into here?"

"Oh human beings are normal and boring. All you have to do is hit them just right and they will do anything for you."

"Sherlock what did you do?"

"Oh just paid one of the cops and asked if I could have a few more minutes with you." I sighed and leaned against him. "Gen orange is not you."

"Really you had to say that out of all things?" He shrugged and I sat on the bed. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Gen I'm not going to lie, but this compound is so much more interesting then London's."

"Oh what's that?" I turned to look at him.

"No one has the hottest wife in the world, and to capture her would be the most interesting compound ever." I sighed and leaned against Sherlock's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me. I heard an alarm go off and I looked around.

"Sherlock what did you do?" I shouted over the alarm.

"I didn't do anything it's the fire alarm, don't you smell it?" I sniffed.

"Smells like smoke."

"Yes, How could I have set it off with smoke?!" I shook my head and covered my ears. The cop that escorted Sherlock into my cell came back.

"Sir you need to leave now." He nodded and followed the guard. I looked around. "Wait here there's going to be another cop to escort you out of here." I nodded and the guard and Sherlock ran off. I sighed and looked around. I walked to the barred door and shook it. Guards were running everywhere.

"Hey let me out!" One of the guards looked at me and opened the door. We ran out of the building. I saw that the entire compound was on fire. The guard that took me out walked me over to a tree. He took a chain wrapped it around the tree and cuffed it to me. I sat down and looked at the building. The roof was collapsing into the compound. I looked around and saw Sherlock and the kids up ahead of me. "Sherlock!" He turned to me and picked up Sherlock Mary. He ran over to me and knelt next to me. The kids wrapped their arms around my neck. I kissed their heads and Sherlock Mary rested her head onto my chest. Sherlock kissed my cheek and looked around. One of the guards looked at me. He ran over and pushed Sherlock away.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now