14 1/2 years later

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I ran away from the cops behind me. I jumped logs and maneuvered around trees. I jumped into a trap and looked around. 5 cops were surrounding me with guns pointing at me. I raised my hands above my head. I sighed and knelt on the ground. A helicopter was circling around us. I smiled and the cops tried to cuff me. I sighed and climbed into the helicopter. I took off my mask and sighed. My brown silver hair fell down to my hips. "Mycroft cutting that a bit short aren't you?" he turned around and smiled.

"No Gen I wasn't." I sighed and opened my laptop. I looked at the recent picture of my kids. Johnny had defiantly looked more like Sherlock, Marie looked like me with brown hair and eyes, William eyes had darken to a deep blue and his hair darkened to a dirty blonde. I sighed and looked at the picture of Sherlock. His black hair was turning silver in the roots. I turned off the computer.

"Mycroft can't I go home now? I need to see my kids." He sighed and nodded. After 14 1/2 years of begging he finally opened up. I sat back and watched as we left the country. I watched as we flew back to London. I looked around and nothing has changed since I was gone.

"Oh Hello brother. I'm on my way to bring your kids a special treat. Why? Because I'm being a good uncle to my favorite nephews and niece." He laughed and turned to me. "Wait until you see this one. No it's not another nanny. Sherlock I gave up on that years ago." I held up my finger to my mouth and smiled. He nodded and the helicopter stopped at the compound. I held my breath as we touched down. Mycroft and I walked into the building. We walked all the way down to the car park. I climbed into the back with Mycroft. "221B Baker Street." We drove through town and finally up to the house. Mycroft handed me a hat.

"Why do I need this?"

"Put it on their most likely to look out the window." I nodded and put it on. It was a sun hat and I felt ridicules. "When we get to the door hold you hat down so they don't see your face wait until you are in the flat please. There is going to be ciaos." I nodded and we walked up to the door. Mycroft opened the door and I held the hat over my face. We walked up the stairs and I heard a few teenager screams. "How's my favorite niece."

"Uncle Myc I'm your only niece." I cleared the doorway and I heard Marie ask Mycroft. "Myc who's that?"

"Where's your dad?"

"In the bedroom. Having another fit." Mycroft nodded and he walked into the bedroom. I looked down at the ground and Marie circled me. I heard two other teenager voices and they stopped.

"Sis who's that?" asked Johnny. His voice had defiantly gotten a deeper voice. I smiled under the hat.

"I don't know uncle Myc brought her here. She might be our new nanny."

"Or probably another client for dad. Here let's get you a seat." I took Johnny's hand and we walked to the couch. I sat down and made sure the hat still covered my face.

"Brother your really going to like this one I promise." I heard Sherlock groan and I saw his slippers walk into the room. Mycroft stood next to me and he touched my shoulder. "You can take off the hat now." I took it off and everything was dead silent. Sherlock looked so pale and so did Johnny and Marie. I smiled and stood. I walked over to Sherlock and he backed away. I turned to Mycroft. "Sherlock before you regret anything you do listen to Gen." I cleared my throat.

"Sherlock I'm not dead." He nodded and collapsed to the ground. I sighed and lifted Sherlock back into bed. I but the blankets onto him and closed the door. I turned to Johnny. "How much did he drink last night?"

"Mum is it really you?" I nodded and he ran to me. He hugged me and started to cry. I squeezed him and Marie ran over to me. I pulled her into a gigantic hug and we fell onto the ground crying I looked up at William and he stared at me in shock.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now