Final Chapter

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I looked down at Sherlock as he continued to lay in the hospital bed. The doctor came back in and I looked up at him worried. "Sherlock as many broken ribs, he broke his leg as well as his right arm. He will have to be in a safe environment to heal." I nodded and the doctor left the room. I sighed and looked at Sherlock.

"Looks like we are going on holiday for a bit." he nodded as he started to doze off again. I sighed and started to pack some of our clothes for the return home. 

When Sherlock woke up I helped him into a wheelchair. He groaned and I kissed the top of his head. "Don't worry darling the country side seems peaceful." he nodded and I rolled him out to the curb. A police car was waiting there to take us home to pack. I helped Sherlock in and climbed in next to him. I sighed as Sherlock took my hand. I looked out the window as we drove back to the flat. I sighed and leaned into Sherlock. He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me. We got back to the flat. I got out of the car and quickly went up stairs to pack some of our things. I walked into the bedroom and grabbed out suitcases. I put them onto the bed and started to pack up our clothes. After I finished I grabbed our pillows and walked back outside to the police car. Greg helped me put them into the back and I climbed back into the car. Greg smiled at us through the mirror and started off for the country side.

About 2 hours of riding in the car I started to feel stiff and I could tell Sherlock was feeling the same. "Greg is there a way were we can get out and stretch for a bit?"

"Yeah sure." He pulled off the freeway and down to a rest area. When he parked I was able to get out and help Sherlock. We walked over to a bench and sat down. I sighed and stretched my back out. Sherlock did the same while Greg went inside the shop to buy something.

"Sherlock what do you want to name this baby?" He looked up at me. 

"We are really going to pick the baby's name at a rest stop?" I shrugged and he wrapped his arm around me. He kissed the top of my head as I leaned into his neck. 

"I just thought we could do something while we wait." He sighed and touched my neck. Greg came back and Sherlock and I nodded. We stood up and walked back to the car. We climbed in and I sighed falling asleep against the window.

After we arrived at Sherlock's parents house Lestrade helped Sherlock into their house and into the back spare bedroom. I watched him as he hit his head against the pillows he was out. I sighed and thanked Lestrade as he walked out of the bedroom. I sat on the bed and stroked his hair. I kissed his forehead and walked out of the bedroom. I walked into the kitchen and felt a familiar pinch in my head. I gasped and leaned against the counter. I touched my head and a little voice began to laugh. "Oh Ashley you are so naive." I gasped and looked at the wall.

"How are you alive?" I asked the voice.

"Oh you would be suprised how much you don't know, Ashley dear little sister."  I looked down at my hands as I began to shake.

"What do you want from me?"

"You I need a permission to hear from my dear sister?" 

"Ashley are you alright?" the voice was gone and I turned around to see Sherlock looking at me. He touched his side. "I have only heard of people doing that. I have never really seen anyone doing it in action. How?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You can telepathically talk to someone." he said as he walked over to me. I looked down at the floor. I touched my stomach.

"Actually I am the only one that can do it as well as my older brother. We learned how to do to it before he went to war. I thought I had lost the ability to do it when I found out my brother was killed. But he's alive like Moriarty said. So I don't know what to do. He can read my mind, search through my memories, he knows where I am at all times."

"What about you do you know where he is?" I shook my head.

"No he has this block on his mind where he can stop me from intruding." Sherlock nodded and cupped my hands. I looked up at him and he smiled. 

"Listen we will figure this out together?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "Okay you'll be fine." I nodded and Sherlock took my hand. I started to have tears coming down my eyes. He looked at me curiously. "Why are you crying?"

"I don't know." I wiped away tears as more fell down my face. Sherlock took my hand and kissed my forehead. 

"You're tired come on lets go to sleep." I nodded and he took my hand to go to the bedroom. He collasped onto the bed and I curled up next to him. He kissed my forehead as I began to fall asleep. "I love you."

"I love you too." I mumbled as I fell to sleep.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now