New Villian

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I watched Gen walked back to the bedroom and I sighed. I looked at Mary holding Edward. John was looking at Edward with Mary and I looked at Emma. I handed Edward to John and walked over to the bedroom. I knocked on the door. "Gen are you alright?" she didn't answer me. I pushed open the door and Gen was laying on the bed with blood all over her hand. I fell next to her and touched her head. "John get in here!" he ran into the room and he looked at Gen. John looked at her wound and took off my scarf from my neck. He put it onto her wound and took my hands.

"Push on that has hard as you can until the ambulance get's here." I looked at Gen and she smiled at me.

"Sherlock." she said in a sad whisper. "You can let me go. I'm no longer needed and I was stabbed by one of Magnussen's henchmen. Sherlock you don't have to miss me. I will always love you." She closed her eyes and John continued to feel her pulse.

"Gen you can't do this to me not again. Gen snap out of it!"

"Sherlock we need to get her to the hospital." I nodded and texted Greg to come quickly. I stroked Gen's head and kissed it. Mary walked in holding the twins. I took Emma and walked over to the crib. I put her in and stroked her head. I ran back to Gen and touched her head.

"Gen please not again." I moved the silver hair out of her face and started to cry. I kissed her head and looked at John he had to start CPR. I sat back and curled my knees up to my chest. I started to cry and Mary knelt down next to me.

"Sherlock there is nothing you can do, but wait. Genny is stronger than this. You just have to believe in her." I nodded and wiped away my tears. Gen sat up and looked at me.

"Sherlock not much time we need to go." she jumped out of bed and hugged me. She ran out of the door and I turned and looked at John.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know?" I stood up and ran out of the room. Gen was looking at the laptops and searching for something.

"Gen what are you doing?"

"Magnussen's henchmen didn't stab me by the way."

"You're bleeding." she looked at her side and moved her shirt out of the way. There wasn't a scar or anything.

"No that wasn't blood." she turned back to the computers and she smiled. She ran back to the bedroom and grabbed the baby carriers. She strapped Emma to her chest and Henry sat on her back. She smiled at me and ran downstairs. I sat down in my chair and looked at John. He looked just as confused as I was.

"Alright she's up to something."


I ran outside and climbed into a cab. "Appledore step on it." the cabbie nodded and I looked out the window. I pulled out my phone and smiled. We got there and I climbed out of the cab. I walked over to the wreckage and I touched the chard wood. I looked around.

"I knew you would miss me." I turned around and Magnussen stood behind me. I smiled at him and walked over to him.

"You're dead I watched you die."

"You can't kill an idea." I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"Yes but why did your henchmen come over and tried to stab me?"

"Cause I need to talk to you about something." I folded my arms over Emma. He walked over to me and smiled. "You know you make the cutest babies." I looked at him.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now