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I looked at Sherlock as I held Mary's baby. "She's so cute."

"Thank you." Sherlock walked over to me and smiled at me. He knelt in front of me and I showed him the baby. 

"I've never been good with babies."

"Maybe we'll have our own someday." he looked up at me and blushed. I looked down at him. 

"I don't know Ash."

"Sherl we don't need to talk about it now." he nodded and I walked over to Mary. I handed her back Rosie and she smiled. 

"When are you two having kids?" I turned back to Sherlock. He leaned forward and answered.

"We aren't having kids for at least a year."

"Sherlock?" Mary ask.

"Like Ash said we'll talk about it later." I nodded and smiled. 

"Well it's nice to have you over you should come over again." Mary nodded and smiled at us. 

"Do you want to be Rosie's Godparents?"

"We would love to." She smiled and John kissed Rosie's head. I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink. Sherlock walked into the kitchen and started to make himself some tea. I turned away from him and started to do the dishes. Sherlock turned and looked at me. 


"I'm busy, go entertain John and Mary." he kissed my cheek and walked back into the living room. I sighed and continued to clean the dishes. Once I finished I started to pick up the kitchen. I soon ran out of things to clean. Mary walked over to me and looked at me. 

"Hey what's wrong?" I sighed and she looked at me. "It's Sherlock isn't it?"

"It's fine. I just need to get some air." I walked passed her and looked at my coat. Sherlock looked up at me as I walked down the stairs. I walked out the front door.


I looked out the window and watched Ashley walk down the street. Why didn't she take her coat when it started to snow. I turned back and sat in my chair. I looked at my wedding ring and rubbed it. "Sherlock why don't you want kids?"

"I'm just not ready to be a parent. I barely can survive as an adult by myself." Mary sighed and looked at Rosie.

"Give it another couple of months then you'll see what a child can do for you as a couple." John nodded and wrapped his arm around Mary's shoulders. 

"Sherlock you should go after her." Mary indicated toward the door. I sat down in my chair and John looked at me.

"Why she needs time to be alone."

"Sherlock she's your wife you work thing with her. You'll understand when you've been married longer." I nodded and stood up. I grabbed my coat and scarf.

"Thanks and if she yells at me it's your fault." they smiled and I walked down the stairs.


I walked to the park and rubbed my arms trying to feel them again. I walked over to the swing set and sat down. I grabbed the chains and started to swing. "Ash." I looked up at Sherlock and he was looking down at me. I turned away and started to swing again. Sherlock sat in the swing next to me. "Ashley will you look at me." I turned and tears started to come down my face. He reached for my face and I stopped him. I wiped away the tears and sighed. "Ashley I'm just not ready to be a parent and have to be the example. I want to be ready."

"Sherlock we're never going to be ready for kids. I've waited my entire life to get married and have kids. Now I've married you, why should I wait." Sherlock stood up and walked in front of me. He knelt and looked at me. 

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now