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I looked at Sherlock as we drove back to Mycroft's office building. We drove into the parking lot and got out. He handed me my bags. I climbed out and touched my stomach. I smiled and walked over to the end of the driveway. Sherlock looked at me and smiled. He wrapped his arm around me and we walked over to the curb. Sherlock got a cab and we climbed in. I leaned against the back of the seat and Sherlock looked at me. "Hey are you alright?"

"I'm fine I'm just so tired and I don't know w..." My head fell back against the seat and I fell asleep. 

When I woke up later I was sleeping in my bed. I looked around and Sherlock was sitting right next to me. He touched my head and I smiled at him.

"Gen how are you feeling."

"Fine. How long have I slept?"

"15 hours." I nodded and tried to climb out of the bed. I groaned and Sherlock helped me back into the bed. "Easy John came by and told me that you were going to have struggles with this baby." I touched my stomach and Sherlock touched my shoulder. "You are bedridden for now." I nodded and leaned back into the pillow. I heard the door open and I leaned forward. Sherlock pushed me back into the pillows. "Gen I mean it." I nodded and he walked out of the room. I threw off the blankets and leaned against the wall. I walked over to the front door while using my hand to steady myself. I saw Sherlock talking to a man. I looked at the man curiously. The man looked at me and nodded his goodbye to Sherlock. The man turned away and Sherlock looked at me. "Gen you're suppose to be in bed."

"I don't want to." he lifted me into his arms and walked back to the bedroom. He laid me down onto the bed and I looked at him. He handed my laptop to me and I looked at him.

"Entertain yourself while I'm gone." I touched his hand.

"You're leaving me?"

"Gen I have to Mycroft needs me now." I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "Please stay in bed." I sighed and leaned against the pillows. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I love you and I just don't want you to get hurt." I nodded and he touched my stomach. I sighed and opened the laptop. I looked at him and smiled. I heard the front door slam shut and I got out of bed. I leaned against the wall and walked to the kitchen to grab a snack. I pulled out some cheese and ham from the fridge and walked over to the cabinet. I opened it and grabbed out some bread. I started to make myself a sandwich and I started to eat. I touched my stomach and finished eating. I sighed and looked around the empty flat. I sighed and headed back to the bedroom. I gasped and fell to my knees. I touched my stomach and there was so much pain that I had to bite my lip from crying. I started to whimper.

"Mrs. Hudson!" it came out of a whisper. I tried again and it came out louder. "Mrs. Hudson!" she probably couldn't hear me. "Mrs. Hudson!" I shouted at the top of my lunges and she dropped her teapot. She ran upstairs and looked at me. She knelt and looked at me. "Call Sherlock." I said in a whimper.

"What is the matter dear?"

"Just call him." she nodded and took my phone. I groaned and leaned against the wall. I touched my stomach and it pulsed with pain. I started to cry again and Mrs. Hudson touched my shoulder.

"Sherlock. It's Gen." she looked at me and handed my phone to me.

"Gen what is the matter?" Sherlock asked nervously.

"Sherlock I'm scared." I curled up on the ground in pain unable to move. Mrs. Hudson looked at me and ran downstairs.

"What's the matter?" I nodded and he sounded concern. "Gen. I'm going to stay on the phone keep talking to me." I started to cry again and Mrs. Hudson walked back to me. I saw that she had a bag of Morphine.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum