Growing old

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I sat next to Sherlock in my wheel chair. The morphing bag hung over my head. Sherlock leaned on my shoulder as John was giving a speech for our parents funeral. I sighed and wrapped my arm around him. Johnny held Genny's hand and she was holding Jackson in her arms while touching a newly round stomach. I sighed and sitting next to Genny was Marie holding a sleeping Mycroft in her arms. I looked at Scott and William and they were looking at the casket. I sighed and Mary squeezed my hand. I turned my head and she smiled at me. There were a few friends of mum and dad, but not a whole lot. I sighed and touched Sherlock's hand. He wiped away tears and sighed. I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes. Pain flared in my shot wound and I cranked up the morphine just a bit. I sighed and leaned back into the chair. It was a cold, windy, rainy day for a funeral. I opened my eyes and they were lowering the casket into the ground. I sighed again and shifted in my chair after the funeral we went back to our flat and had a family brunch. I sat down on the couch chilled to the bone. Sherlock started a fire and everyone started to eat. Sherlock sat next to me not eating a thing.

"Please sweetheart eat something." I handed him a piece of my fish 'n chips. He smiled at me and nibbled on the food. I sighed and lifted my feet onto the couch leaning on him. He wrapped his arm around me and John cleared his throat.

"So Sherlock what are you planning on doing now?" I felt Sherlock shrug and I leaned into him more resting my head onto his chest. I deeply exhaled from my nose and I yawned.

"Actually I think I'm going to take a nap with Mrs. Holmes. Sweetheart doesn't that sound good?"

"Yeah." I nodded and sat up. I stood and touched my side. I doubled over and gasped for breathes. John and Sherlock ran to my side.

"Easy." they took my arms and half carried me to the bedroom. They laid me down onto the bed and I gasped. I pushed on my side and Sherlock stuck a needle into my arm. Morphine shot into my body and I sighed. I breathed in deeply and Sherlock sat down next to me. I smiled at him and he lifted my shirt to look at the wound. He bit his lip and turned to John. "It's gotten worse. Should we take her back." John looked at me and I shook my head.

"No I think we shouldn't if she doesn't want to go, then she doesn't have to go."

"But she's getting blood poisoning. We have to take her in, look for yourself if you don't believe me." John looked at my wound and I smiled at him. I arched my back when Sherlock touched the skin around it. I laid back down and gasped in pain. I coughed and groaned. Sherlock looked at me and touched my forehead. I sighed and touched his hand. He looked at John and John sighed. I turned my head tears running down my face. I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt John check my pulse and Sherlock kissed my forehead. I sighed and touched his leg. "Sleep well Gen."

"Can't you stay with me?" I looked up at Sherlock and he nodded.

"I'm going to get a bag of ice for your wound." He stood up and walked into the kitchen. I breathed in deeply. Sherlock walked around the bed. He sat down and scooted over to me. He rested my head onto his chest and I sighed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Hey Gen you need to get up now." I opened my eyes and it was night time. I looked around and found Sherlock getting dressed.

"What time is it?"

"2 in the morning."

"Why do I need to get up at 2 in the morning?"

"Because of urgent business." he looked at me and grabbed his shoes. He was hopping on one foot trying to put on his shoe. He put it on and threw me my dressing gown.

"Where am I going?"

"With me. It's Johnny and Genny they're having a break in." I sat up and swung my legs off the bed. I grabbed my slippers and put on my dressing gown. I stood up and followed Sherlock out the door. We ran to the curb and called a cab. We climbed in and drove to Johnny's and Genny's country house. We made it and climbed the steps up to their house. I ran in and heard someone screaming. I ran upstairs after the screams. I burst through the door and found baby Jackson crying in his crib. I got him out and started to sooth him. "Gen I found them!" I ran down stairs and into Johnny's study. I gasped as I saw Genny and Johnny unconscious on the floor. I handed Jackson to Sherlock and knelt. I touched each of their pulses. They were both living.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora