To the Past

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I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. "Mycroft I'm not ready for this."

"Don't worry you'll be fine just don't get involve into anything big understand." I nodded and he closed the door. I breathed in deeply. I was doing this to save my mum. I sighed and put my phone onto the desk. I finished getting dressed. Once I was finished I walked out of the bathroom. I walked down the room and Mycroft was smiling at me. "Okay be safe and you'll be just fine."

"What would happen if I died?"

"Well don't okay come back in one piece and remember don't tell anyone about where you came from." I nodded and climbed into the time machine. The Tech Crew started up the pod and I breathed in deeply. I climbed into the pod. Mycroft closed the door and smiled. I closed my eyes and hear the faint buzzing stop.

I opened my eyes and I saw that I had landed in 1817 I climbed out of the pod and looked around. It was very dark and foggy. I coughed and put my hat onto my head. I looked around and the pod shrank into my hand. I shivered against the cold and looked at people were coming and going. I looked around and grabbed a piece of paper from my pocket. I looked around and looked at the addresses. "Excuse me can you help me find the Marten brothers?"

"Never heard of them."

"Oh thank you." he pushed pasted me. I put the paper back into my pocket. Everything was different. I looked around and Big Ben wasn't built yet. I sighed and continued to look around. I started to walk around a little bit more. It was starting to rain and I hurried over to a tree to hid underneath. I looked around and sat down on the ground. "Oh Mycroft I don't know where to start." I folded my arms around my head and sighed. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up. A young man probably my age looked at me.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm just trying to find the Marten Brothers."

"Oh I don't know who they are, but if you would like you can spend the night at my house and then you can be ready to leave in the morning."

"Thank you." I stood up and looked at him. 

"What's your name?"

"My name is James Watson. What's yours?"

"I'm William Holmes."

"Hmm I didn't know the Holmes had a boy I thought they had a little girl."

"Well I'm not related to these Holmes." he nodded.

"They are my parent's best friends maybe my father can help you." I nodded and he led me down the street. He continued to walk. I followed close behind him with the rain started to get heavy. We came up to his house and I looked around. We were close to Baker Street. We climbed up the steps and James opened the door. We walked in and I took off my wet jacket and hat. His maid took my things and I bowed to her. James led me into the living room and he looked at his parents. "Mother, Father this is William Holmes he's looking for the Marten Brothers."

"William Holmes? I thought they have a little girl?" asked his mother.

"They do my sweet, this is either a lair or he's telling the truth."

"Sir I am William Holmes I'm not related to these Holmes." Mr. Watson nodded and he played with his mustache. 

"What business do you have with the Marten Brothers?"

"I'm looking for a job and my uncle refereed them to me."

"Hmm the Marten Brothers are on King Edwards Street."

"That is clear across town Father." he nodded.

"Yes that is why we live over here James." James nodded and his mother looked at me. 

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