Chapter 1

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Kennedi Marie POV
"Come on Eric do it!" I laughed nudging him. Nobody does the Take You Down dance better than Eric, well besides Chris and his dancers. "But aye we not outside though?" He asked me. "Pleeease I'll let you talk to all of the girls from Jefferey high!" I begged him. I didn't even know why he had me begging him, knowing that I'm a huge fan of Chris Brown's anyways ! That's plain ol torture. "Play the song" Eric said giving in like he always do."I love you best friend" I giggled typing so the song could pop up. "I want Ashley" Eric said ignoring me. "I said I love you!" I yelled but froze as well. "Eww you're ugly. I love you more just fix your face" he laughed at me. "Please---- and before I could finish. The guy that was standing behind Eric just started shooting then took off running. I didn't even try to save Eric at the time, I ran after the boy and picked up the gun he had dropped being so afraid and started shooting at him. But it was too late; he was gone. I ran as fast I could back to Eric and tried to pick him up the best way I could. "Eric!!" His mother yelled almost falling out the window. She came downstairs and grabbed Eric up but the ambulance was here already. And took Eric's body from his screaming mother. Everybody was just standing around and watching the terrifying scene. Except this one girl tried to record, so I snatched the camera and started beating life out of her. "You want to record?! Record this!" I yelled.
Hopping out of my sleep drinsed in sweat, I broke down screaming crying !! No matter how hard I try every night I have the same nightmare of Eric getting killed. That was three years ago but it still tortures me to this day. My mom came rushing into my room to hold me. "Its okay baby. Eric is probably in here trying to calm you down himself. Baby just relax" she said rocking me softly. I can't even lie I looked around hoping to see a sign of him here, but there was nothing. So I started crying all over again. "Mommy I miss him so much!" I cried with my face buried in her robe. "He misses you too baby. One day God will call on you and you two will be reunited" she smiled at me. I began to smile and laid back down. The thought of being with Eric again calmed me down some; well just a little. But the only thing now I was shaking scared. "Call me if anything" my mom smiled at me. I nodded my head and quickly fell asleep. I wasn't trying to see Eric's shadow no way and I hope he understand because he knows how I'm afraid of ghost/spirits. Even though he used to clown me and mention how they don't even exist.
"Wake up Kennedi" my mom softly tapped me. I sat up in my bed and stretched, still being tired I tried to lay back down but my mom already took my pillow. So I just got up and went in the shower. Which my mom also had a timer on because before I used to sit under the shower and cry over Eric. When I got out I tightened my towel and walked over to my closet. Looking for something to wear I grabbed my Blood Money Entertainment flight jacket, white Polo shirt, navy blue Nike sweats and my Gammas. I got dressed then sprayed my hair with Just For Me detangler spray making my hair get super curly. "Kennedi!" My mom yelled my name. That means my dad was on the verge of being late waiting for me. So I quickly grabbed my hologram clear book bag, my iPhone 6 and my keys then ran downstairs. "Grab your breakfast tacos!" My mom said as I kissed her cheek. So I did as told then ran to my dad's all black Escalade. "Sorry dad" I said and climbed in the passenger seat. Usually he would laugh at how little I was so I literally had to climb, but today he just tapped on his steering wheel. "What took you so long if you're dressed like that?" He asked me. I just sucked my teeth; he's been bitching for the longest. We have our days but then he would become annoying again. Ever since Eric's death, he's been acting like this towards me. He swore up and down that Eric and I had a secretive relationship and his exact words "was being fresh with that boy". He believes nobody cries that hard over friends . I'm guessing he looked past the word "best" in front of friend. "Because I wanted to take my time" I said and he was about to hit me. But here came my mom walking over to the car. "Kennedi you dropped this and I called Margaret last night. So she'll be expecting you after school today" my mom said passing me twenty dollars. "Thank you and really? Why would you call her ma?" I groaned. Margaret is my on and off therapist that I've been seeing since Eric died. She's cool and all but sometimes its just a waste of time. Hers and mine. "You had another nightmare Marie. I barely sleep at night knowing your brain wonders at night" my mom said staring at my dad. "Its cool and thanks again" I said looking straight ahead. "Behave you two" my mom said then backed up from the window. I sucked my teeth and slouched in the chair more. And I got a text from De'Asia and Mariah.
De'Asia : Hey boo

Me : Good morning Asia ❗️

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