Chapter 17

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Kennedi Marie POV
Wiping my wet face from my spilled tears, I just leaned up against Eric's tombstone. "Only if I could stay here" I sniffed wiping my tears. Yes I've been doing good with balancing without living with Eric, but my dad always seem to trigger my sadness about Eric absence. "Kennedi?!" I could've sworn my mom yelled, but I must be hearing things. "Kennedi are you here?!!" De'Asia yelled. Why did they come here to find me ?! Ugh I really wanted to be alone. Standing up to find them, I spotted my mom, De'Asia, Mariah and Margaret walking with their phones out. I sucked my teeth and walked over to them. "Why are ya here?! Why can't ya just leave me alone to die here?! Like just let me go and be with my best friend!!!" I yelled at them dropping to my knees. "Just let me go with my best friend" I cried covering my face. "It's okay to miss him baby" my mom said rubbing my hair. "No just leave me here!!" I screamed wanting to push her away. "Okay just step back" Margaret said calmly. I tried to control my breathing but like last time it felt like everything was closing in on me. So I hopped up on my two feet and ran away from them. I really needed space from them. Getting a far distance I sat down on the benches and started crying again. I rested my head on the bench and my eyes closed.

"Kennedi?" Nathaniel tapped my thigh. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around seeing that I was in the hospital again. Fuck. "How did you know I was here?" I yawned stretching. "Did you even know you was here? Tell me what's going on big head" He said taking a seat closer to me. "I don't know.... I - I - I just cracked" I covered my face and started crying again. Nathaniel wrapped me in his arms and held me close. "What happened? We were just good and you was just ready to come see my baby" Nathaniel said hugging me still. "Why didn't you bring her?" I looked up from my hands. Nathaniel smiled and wiped my tears then kissed my forehead. "I had to make sure you was okay first, but when you're ready to leave she's waiting on you" He smiled and moved my hair out of my face. "I look a mess right?" I smiled pulling my hair back some more. "You should let me do that mop" He smirked rubbing my hair again. "If you can than go ahead" I shrugged giggling. Nathaniel really pulled out a rubber band and started putting my hair into a messy bun. "Yessss me!" Nathaniel bragged in a girl tone. He really can brighten my day just by his goofiness. "Can I see it?" I giggled looking back at him. "Nah I have to fleek your edges to make you look foreign" He said moving my hands and we laughed some more. "You need to stop talking about fleeking my edges I'm stuck in the hospital" I laughed as Margaret and my mom walked into my room. "Good you're awake!" Margaret cooed with the biggest smile. "Hello ladies" Nathaniel smiled making me bust into laughter. "What was that?!" I laughed leaning on him. And we all started laughing. "I'm greeting them" He shrugged and sat down beside me. "Hello Nathaniel" they both said and took a seat as well. "Come take a walk with me, Nathaniel" my mom smiled. I looked back at Nathaniel and he started smiling. "I finally get to meet mommy" He whispered and I started laughing. "You better behave" I whispered back as he stood up. They walked out together as they both started smiling. "Soooo Kennedi what's been going on?" Margaret smiled at me. "I'm going back to your office right?" I sighed staring at her. I really wish I could've just held this in and cried in my room ! I liked coming straight home and relaxing after all day of school, but now I have to go back with Margaret again. "Just for a week and if you're still on the edge you have to stay" She weakly smiled at me. "I know and did my mom tell you everything?" I asked her. "Yes and I've spoken to your dad as well, he said he brought up Eric and you just completely went numb on him. What was that about?" She asked me. "He hates Eric so for him to be saying he's apologizing I took as pure bull and I would respect if he never mentions Eric ever again" I said shaking my leg. "Okay and are you still sensitive about Eric being brought up or just your dad?" She asked me. This whole time she was writing everything down as usual. "Just my dad because he only bashes him, it's never good when he mentions Eric" I shrugged ready to cry again, but that would just stretch my days. "Oh okay, but Kenn don't you think that you can give your dad a chance?" Margaret asked ready to jot down my response. "One day, but not any time soon" I said shaking my head. Like he really was the weight on my shoulders. "Mhm okay, so see you Monday sweetie our usual time" Margaret smiled standing up and hugged me. "Okay" I sighed hugging her back. Once she left out of the room, here came Nathaniel and my mom. "Here I bought you this baby, feel your stomach up" my mom said passing me a Jumbos bag. "Thank you!" I cooed looking inside of the bag. It was a cheeseburger deluxe with cheese fries and a smoothie. "You're the best ma!" I smiled still looking inside of the bag. "Do ya want some?" I asked them. "Nah I'm actually about to leave, but I'm going to call you when I get in aight?" Nathaniel said hugging me. "Okay and be safe" I said hugging him back. "Later momma love" Nathaniel waved at my mom. "See you later sweetie and it was nice meeting you" My mom smiled real cheesy. "Like wise, big head keep ya head up" Nathaniel said before leaving. I took my bag out of my food and started eating it.

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