Chapter 16

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Nathaniel (Casper) POV
Scratching my curls I couldn't take my eyes off my sleeping baby girl. Erin Dream Graham, seven pounds and six ounces. Yeah she's a little lady. "You can't wait until she wakes up huh?" Alizè asked walking back in from taking a shower. Surprisingly she wasn't in as much pain as everybody say she would be. She cried all night though, but now she's good. "Yeah she's so tiny" I smiled and sat back as Erin began to move a little. "Now her little butt want to stay still after finally coming out" Alizè laughed and sat down on the bed. They don't get to leave until tomorrow. "Right" I chuckled and Erin started screaming as she cried. "What's wrong E Dollaz?" I asked picking her up. "She wants to eat so pass her over here" Alizè smiled slouching on her bed. "So you're going to breast feed her until when?" I asked passing Erin to her mommy. "Until she grows teeth" Alizè said pulling out her breast and stuffing it into Erin's mouth. She stopped crying and closed her eyes. "We letting her use pacifiers?" I asked taking a seat and watching Erin slowly get full. "Did anybody buy her a pacifier?" She asked raising her eye brows. "Yeah Kennedi got her like four and my aunt brought her a matching set that goes with her hat and gloves" I shrugged. "She getting bobo's then" Alizè cooed picking Erin up. "My babiessss!" Lindsay cheered walking into the room with bags and balloons in her hand. "What's up?" I smiled as she hugged me then walked over to Alizè and Erin. "Congrats best friend!!" Lindsay squealed as Erin moved from the noise Lindsay made. I chuckled and continued to watch them. "Can I see her?" Lindsay squealed. "Hands missy" Alizè said. "Will do but how was it? I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I was stuck at work" Lindsay said while she washed her hands. "It hurts like very bad, but after a while I was good. I felt like Erin was grabbing my stomach with her before she entered the world" Alizè laughed. "She probably was" Lindsay laughed then picked up Erin. "Um give Casper his baby back. Why isn't he in a gown?" Lindsay asked making us laugh. "What?" I chuckled. "You birthed her, like twins isn't even a good way to describe it. If Princess E was a boy you would have two Casper's walking around" Lindsay smiled and continued staring at Erin. "For real?" I asked. To me Erin looked just like Alizè, from her lighter skin and big head; twins. "Yes! And where's her grand parents?" Lindsay asked us. "My aunt should be here by five with the girls" I said unlocking my phone. "And her Nana and Papa should be here any minute now" Alizè said getting comfortable on the bed again. "Awwwe they're all going to cry" She giggled. "Facts" I said and tapped onto India's name. She's been texting me all night and day, but my main focus was getting baby girl into the world. Now that she's safe and sound, I could answer her crazy ass back.

India : Keep Kennedi close !

India : Stop trying to play me !

India : I really liked you and you too busy stuck on your best friend's dick and no I'm not talking about Trey either

India : Like I was willing to give my all to your goofy ass but I guess you was trying to keep yourself occupied with me until that ho finally wants your ass but I can't wait until she crushes your heart and have you wishing that you treated me well !

Me : Lol cool off and that is my best friend fuck you talking about ? Just cause you be around every bitch be fucking their "best friend" doesn't mean she's going to do it.

"Nate can you go get me some chocolate chip cookies please?!" Alizè begged me. "Girl yo ass is going to stay that way if you still eat like you're carrying Erin" Lindsay warned her. "Shut up I was talking to my baby father" Alizè said and we all started laughing. "Yeah. Lindsay you want something?" I asked standing up and grabbing my bombers jacket. "Nah I'm cool thank you" She smiled. So I left out of the room and went downstairs. Walking towards the store, Kennedi called my phone.

"My nigga where were you?"

"Excuse me?"

And we started laughing.

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