Chapter 30

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Kennedi Marie POV
Waking up with Nathaniel's sweater, I sat up getting ready to take off the sweater being that my room was super hot. My phone began to ring and with each ring my head throbbed. I guess I had too much to drink. "Ugh" I groaned and grabbed my phone off the night stand. Not even checking the caller ID, I just answered because I just wanted for the ringing to stop.


"Oh you just now waking up? My fault"

It was Nathaniel.

"No its okay, what's up?"

I looked over at the clock and it read '5:49 pm'. Damn I must've over slept since I didn't get into the house until eight o'clock in the morning. My birthday celebration was a night to remember and something I would love to do again. But just give me like two more weeks then we can make a recap.

"Uh I want to take you somewhere for your birthday"

"But Nate you already did the whole club thing last night"

"Just be ready by eight"

And with that he hung up on me. I grilled my phone as if he could still see me, boy just banged his head hanging up on me like that. Such bravery of that young man. "Kennedi is that you?!" My mom yelled. Holding my head, I mentally apologized to my throbbing head. "Yes! I'm just now getting up" I winced in pain. Rushing to the bathroom I quickly grabbed two Advil liquid gels then made my way downstairs into the kitchen. "Eight o'clock huh?" My mom smirked as I washed the pills down with some orange juice. "Ma, it was sooooo fun!" I said placing the cup back into the sink. "Yeah I know your cousins wouldn't stop talking about it before they left" My mom smiled staring at me. "Oh my god I forgot they leave today! And why didn't they wake me up? The least I could do was thank them and say good bye" I complained. Them fake hoes are going to feel my wrath through my text. "Oh no need to thank them, they wanted to thank you" She laughed as I shook my head. "Yeah we had so much fun, but let me go get ready" I sighed walking out of the kitchen. "Where are you going now? I thought we were going to eat some carvel birthday cake and you can open the rest of your birthday gifts?" My mom frowned staring at me. "We can do that, but Nathaniel is taking me somewhere today" I shrugged smiling. "Oh okay" She began to smile. I don't know why she loves Nathaniel so much, as long as he's mentioned than I could do whatever I want. Just as long as he's around. "Nice chain!" My mom yelled after me. Looking down at my chain well Nathaniel's chain, I smirked. This boy isn't serious. Quickly showering, I got out and rubbed my body dry before rubbing lotion all over then slipping on my under garments. Since I was clueless on where we were going, I just sent Nathaniel a text.

Me : Causal or Classy ?

Nathaniel : Dress comfortable

Me : Soooo not helping but okay !

Walking over to my closet I opened it up and scanned through my clothes; very slowly. Wanting to be basic since I went all out yesterday, I grabbed my red Tommy Hilfiger long sleeve crop, loose light blue denim ripped jeans and grabbed my all white high top Nike's. I got dressed then brushed my pony tail back into the same hair style that I had from last night. Coating my lips in lip gloss, my phone began to ring again. Thankfully I took them pills or I would've probably been crying by now. It was De'Asia.


"Happy birthdaaaaay Kennedi!! I know see you seen my post but its alright I'll let you slide. What are you doing today?"

"Nathaniel is taking me somewhere and thank you"

"Ayeeee that's cute and rumor has it that you guys kissed. I'm listening"

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