Chapter 27

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Kennedi Marie POV
Waking up stuck in between these heavy ass bodies of my cousins, I squeezed myself out of the sleeping bodies and made my way towards the bathroom. Only the adults were wide awake and cooking in the kitchen. Brushing my teeth, I began to frown. Today is Eric and my favorite holiday to spend together and he's not even here. Holding back my tears, I quickly washed my face then took a quick shower. Stepping out of the shower, Anya was half sleep while using the bathroom. "Hey!" I yelled rushing to cover myself with my towel. She had just scared my ass half to death. "You have everything I have, so just go ahead and get your clothes" She waved me off. I laughed and kept on walking, leaving the bathroom door open. "Rude ass!" She yelled making me laugh at her. Walking into my room, I began to smile again. "Merry Christmas everybody!". They all mumbled "merry Christmas" back to me, but tried falling asleep again. "Get up its Christmas!" I cheered opening my walk in closet. "No! We were up on Christmas morning!" Sydney yelled making me laugh at her. "So now get up for Christmas day" I yelled back making them all suck their teeth at me. I laughed and grabbed my lime green over sized Nike sweat shirt, matching black Nike leggings and my Air max. "Hurry up!" Tamera yelled, so I peeked out of my closet. "Who?" I asked her. "Anya and them. We have to go open our gifts back at the hotel and they want to take their sweet time" She scoffed. I laughed and started to get dressed, so I can also open my gifts and give my parents their gifts as well. Brushing my hair down, I put on my black Nike dad cap and grabbed my phone. "I'll be downstairs" I said to them before making my way downstairs. "Merry Christmas everyone!!" I yelled as I walked into the kitchen. "Merry Christmas!" They all yelled back. I double kissed everybody cheek until I got to my parents. "Merry Christmas mommy and dad" I hugged them both. "Merry Christmas baby" My mom kissed my forehead. "Merry Christmas Ken Ben" My dad said saying my old nickname. I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Shall we open our gifts?" I smiled at them. "Let's wait until everyone leave so when they come back we could show them off" My mom smiled at me. "Okay cool" I shrugged, but she frowned. "Is that what you're wearing today?". "Yeah since we're going to be in the house all day. Why?" I shrugged, I was very comfortable so I would hate to change. "No reason" She smiled. "Okay and I'll be back" I kissed her cheek and went to call De'Asia and them. She immediately answered still in her pajamas. "Merry Christmas Kennedi!!" She yelled beating me to it. I giggled. "Merry Christmas Dede!" I yelled back as we laughed. "Mommy and us are coming over today too" She smiled talking about her mom and baby brother. "Yesssss! Full house! Full house!" I cheered. "Right?! But let me call you back" De'Asia said. "Okay" I said then texted Eric's family all a Merry Christmas. Then Mariah called me still in her pajamas as well. "Merry Christmas!!" We yelled and started laughing. "You coming today too right?!" I smiled extra hard. "Duhhh!! My mom making her marshmallow pie right now" She bragged then stuck out her tongue. "Yesssss! She know that's why she's my favorite!" I smiled making Mariah laugh at me. "You play too much and I got your gifts ho so have mine ready!" She said. "They're personally waiting for you" I smirked. "Good and now let me go get dressed before I get cursed out again" She laughed. "Okay" I laughed and we ended the video. Thinking about calling Nathaniel on face time, he was already calling me. So I answered as I slouched against the couch. "Merry Christmas Nate! Where's bae? Tell her I said merry Christmas and tell the house that too" I smiled. "You mad happy with your mean ass" Nathaniel laughed at me. "I know this is my favorite holiday well besides my birthday which is coming up as well" I danced making him laugh at me. "When is it?" He asked as Alizé laid Erin on his chest. She was still sleeping. "Awwwe look at her and Merry Christmas Alizé" I smiled. "Hey and Merry Christmas" She waved before moving out of the camera view. "Thank you and its New Years day" I smiled. "For real? That's what's up. So when you coming to get your gift?" He smirked. "I have a gift? Awwwe!" I smiled covering my face. "You got a gift, I had mine already. So are you coming?" He asked. "Yeah I'll come and um can you come with me to um to visit Eric..... Today?" I asked him. "Yeah I got you. What time? Cause Erin just went to sleep and everybody opened up their gifts already. You had to see my aunt yo" He smiled. "Awwwe she was happy? That's so cute! What did you get her?" I giggled. Nathaniel is such a sweetheart to his aunt. "Come see" He said making Alizé and I both laugh. "I'm coming now" I laughed standing up then went to get my coat and Erin's and Nathaniel gifts. Not wanting leave everybody else empty handed, I grabbed the extra Santa Claus hats and candy canes. "I'm coming now okay?" I told Nathaniel. "Aight don't front either" He said. "Look I have my coat, shut up!" I laughed before ending the video. "Where are you going now?" Seryah asked me. "To Nathaniel's house" Chaimy and Sharaye said. I laughed at them. "You got your answer, thanks girls" I laughed and zipped up my coat. "Not all day Ken" Aunt Celine spoke to me. When did she even get up here ? But okay. "I know" I mumbled before rubbing lip gloss on my lips then grabbed the bags and made my way out of the door then into a cab.

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