Chapter 6

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Nathaniel (Casper) POV
Walking into my room Alizè was sleeping in my bed. My purpose of coming home late was so when I get there she'll be gone. But look where's she's at. "Yo" I tapped her. "Why are you just now coming in?" Alizè asked staring up at me. "I had shit to do" I mumbled taking off my army fatigue jacket and then my sweater. "Like what Nathaniel? We really have a child growing inside of me. You can't just worry about you anymore!" She yelled at me while sitting up. "Yo stay up" I ignored her rant and left into the shower. "Nathaniel that's you?" Yasmin asked poking her head out of her room. "Yeah it's me. Why did ya let Alizè stay here?" I asked her. "Come on Nathaniel if that's ya baby then we can't treat her like shit" Yasmin said. "Aight" I said and went to shower for a few minutes. I dead had a long day today. Kennedi acting all types of crazy with her mood swings, Sync thinking people in the group set him up and now I come home to this. "What is life my nigga?" I mumbled turning off the shower.

Walking back to my room I could hear Alizè sniffling, so I opened the door and she covered her face. "Why are you crying?" I asked drying my body off and put on my Tommy Hilfiger briefs with my basketball shirts and a plain gray shirt. "Do you think my parents know?!" Alizè yelled getting off my bed. I just sucked my teeth, how was yelling going to help her ? "Do you think my grandparents know?!" She yelled again putting her fingers in my face. She better go ahead with that stupid shit. "No only you! And you don't even want to be here for us!!" She yelled at me. "My nigga chill with all that yelling, but come on look at the shit you pulled. Would you think that's my baby if I was you?" I asked laying on my bed. I guess we'll talk in the morning for real this time because I'm exhausted. "Okay so we'll take the test when she's born and if she's not yours then I'll be so sorry and stay out of your life" she sniffles while grabbing a blanket out of my closet. "See you on some next shit. Now the baby not mine" I mumbled closing my eyes. Why did I ever fall for this sneak bitch ?

"It's the morning Nathaniel wake up" Alizè said shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and sat up staring at her. "So when are you going to tell your parents or your grand parents? Whoever" I rubbed my eyes. I was exhausted, who could sleep comfortable on shit like this? Alizè pouted and began to cry. Here came my aunt rushing into the room. "What's going on?" She looked back and forth at us. "I asked her when she's planning to tell her moms and that was her answer" I shrugged getting up and walking out with my towel in my hand. "Nathaniel Irving Simmons get your ass back in this room. I heard the shower running last night so your ass is still clean!" Aunt Olivia yelled at me. "Damn my whole government though?" I mumbled and slowly made my way back to my room. "Yes ma'am?" I asked poking my head through the door. "Stop playing boy!" She snapped at me. I fully walked into my room and looked at my aunt. "Don't be that way to this girl, she's having your child for gods sake! Make her feel comfortable the best way you can!" Aunt Olivia yelled at me. I just looked Alizè's way and she was still wiping her tears. "You good?" I mumbled not really caring. But I would do anything to stop her from crying. "Can we talk when we ride to school?" Alizè sniffle. "Yeah you got changing clothes?" I asked her. "Yeah" she said barely in a whisper. "Aight get dressed" I said opening my dresser. Grabbing my Reebok Pekka Nashville predators premier hockey jersey, my navy blue ripped True Religion jeans and my tan Timblands. I tossed that to the bed and grabbed a pair of white socks. Alizè was already dressed in some baggy ass clothes. She must be showing because she's been wearing clothes like that for the longest. I quickly got dressed then sprayed some Polo cologne on my chest. Grabbing my phone I looked up at Alizè. "You ready?". "Yeah come on" she said still sounding sad. I grabbed my book bag and dug in my dresser for my wallet then followed behind Alizè. "So you and my cousin having a baby?" Nyla asked Alizè. She was going to answer her but my aunt started yelling at Nyla. "Nathaniel you could leave them today. You and Alizè need some time alone" She said and I kissed her cheek. "Later OG" I said making her laugh. "See you later baby". Alizè waved and we left leaving the house then the building. She still haven't said a word until we got in the car and she started crying again. "Cool out Alizè we here already. Like if that's the case you should've been dead the issue and we would've went on with our lives" I said putting on my seat belt. Her head snapped up and she just stared at me. "Don't ever say that shit!" She yelled at me. "So stop fucking crying my nigga! You acting like a nigga wasn't raised right! If that's my baby then I got you" I snapped at her and pulled out of parking then started driving. "Oh well don't ever say that to me Nathaniel that shit shouldn't even come out of your fucking mouth!" She said with her voice cracking. Here her ass go with this crying again. I can't deal. "Aight my fault but I'm saying yo ass keep on crying like I'm about to dead you or some fuck boy shit!" I said tempting to turn the music up and ignore her ass. But we got to start somewhere with this "co parenting" shit. "But what if it's not your baby? Then I'm out on my own right?" She said with her tears rolling still. "My nigga nobody told you to go get your shit off when you personally know where I live" I shrugged. "But we weren't even together" she said. "We was still doing something right?" I raised my eye brow up at her. "Yes..... Look Nathaniel I just need you to pick me up from school so we can tell my parents today" she said. "You got my word" I said and was about to turn up my music but she swat my hand away
"I can't think like that". I just mugged her then went back to driving.

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