Chapter 13

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Kennedi Marie POV
Staring at the TV as a re run of Martin played, somebody walked into my room. Looking over my shoulder I seen that it was my two older cousins Seryah and Rita. "Oh Ken Ken!" Rita pouted rushing to my side. "Rita! Seryah!" I cooed sitting up and opened my arms for them both. They both are Juniors in college, so I only get to see them on vacation visit or holidays. "Awwwe I miss you two girls!" I cooed as we all hugged each other. "We missed you too" they said as we pulled away from the hug. "So are you okay? Cause girl you had me ready to run all the way from Atlanta?" Seryah asked holding her chest. "Yeah it was just another anxiety attack" I shrugged and Rita frowned. "Did Margaret come and speak to you?". "Yeah she actually left because today I'm supposed to be leaving" I said checking the clock as it read 2:35 pm. "So where's auntie? Or can we sign you out?" Seryah asked fixing her hat. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "On her way". "For real?! Come on she's playing. Go change into something cute cause we're going to the mall after this" Rita flipped her hair. I laughed and snatched the covers off my thighs then hopped up. "Hey!" They both panicked seeing me attached to the iv. "It's okay it's detachable!" I giggled and at back down. "Okay so wait until the professionals do that" Seryah yelled as we laughed at her. "Okay fine" I giggled and sat back down. "Look here come my mom and the nurse anyways" I said so they looked towards her direction. "Auntie!!" They both yelled hopping up and running over to her side. I laughed at my mom surprised face. "Hey my babies!" She cooed and hugged them. "When did you girls get here?" My mom smiled walking a side of them and the nurse. "Last night" Seryah said. "Yeah we heard our baby was in the hospital" Rita pouted and sat on my bed. "Awwwe" I mumbled. "Well let me cheer everybody up" Nurse Brown smiled and started taking out my IV needle. "Thank you" I sighed as she put on the band aid. "No problem" She smiled as I hopped up and went to go change into my gray PINK sweat suit and black Timbs. "She's excited" Nurse Brown cooed. "Very!" I called out to her as I stripped out of that hospital gown and socks. They started laughing. I quickly got dressed then fixed my messy bun. Brushing my teeth one more time my phone began to ring. So I walked out of the bathroom and slid over answer; it was Nathaniel.

"Hey Nathaniel!"

"What's up Ken? You good?"

"Yeah. I'm actually getting released today"

"For real?! That's what's up! I would come by to pick you up but I'm kinda busy"

"It's cool, my mom is already here anyways"

"Aight be good and I'm going to keep on checking up on you"

"No if you busy, I can wait until your done. I'm going to be busy myself so we can just text"

"Aight". Hanging up Mariah and De'Asia walked in with their mouths dropped wide open. "You're coming home today?!" De'Asia screamed. I laughed a nodded my head. "Yesss just in time for thanksgiving!" She cheered jumping on me. I laughed and hugged her. "I know I couldn't do hospital food for thanksgiving. I would've really cried" I giggled grabbing my duffel bag. Nathaniel had brought my bags from the hotel and got the money back as well. Being that I only spent a day there. Isn't he the sweetest ?! "Awwwe" Mariah cooed and hugged me. "I know right" I smiled. They hugged Rita and Seryah. "So what we doing after this?" Mariah asked me. "Umm we could hit up the mall" I shrugged wanting to go shopping now that I have extra money left. "Or you can all help auntie Liz start working on thanksgiving dinner" my mom suggested signing my release papers. "I'm in!" Rita and De'Asia cheered. "Count us in too" I giggled. "Says who?! I want to shop!" Seryah whined. My mom gave her the evil look and Seryah started smirking. "Okay I'll cook too" she shrugged. "Thought so sweetie" My mom smiled as we all laughed. I didn't want to go back into the whole my dad bashing Eric's name, but I do need for my mother to hear me out. "Ma can we have a talk when we get home?" I asked shifting one to my left side. "Sure and your dad isn't home yet either" my mom said. "Perfect" I mumbled as we all headed towards the door. "Aren't we missing somebody?" Mariah asked me. "No, who?" I frowned in confusion. "So your sureee we're not leaving nobody behind? Not even a special friend of yours" Mariah smirked. "Nathaniel? He said he was busy so we'll catch up with each other later" I shrugged as we stepped onto the elevator. "Ew he better not act up!" De'Asia snapped. "What?" I laughed at her. "Now he's too busy for you Ken? He's probably trying to rekindle things with his wack ass baby mother" De'Asia rolled her eyes. "Sorry ma" she mumbled after my mom looked her way for cursing. "But no for real Ken, check that out" Mariah agreed. "Y'all acting like he's my boyfriend" I laughed at their assumptions and angry faces. "Shut up" De'Asia said and we all started laughing. "I love you girls but Nathaniel and I are just friends an friends we are staying" I giggled walking off the elevator. "Who's that?" Seryah asked me. "Right, fill us in" Rita said. "One of my new close friends, who they're trying to force onto me" I shrugged. "No they want each other but you know how that goes" Mariah flipped her hair. "Whatever! Don't listen to her!" I giggled. I'm going to kick Mariah's ass.

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