Chapter 25

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Kennedi Marie POV
"I need to take these braids out so I can give my hair a break before my birthday" I groaned slouching against my headboard. "You want me to help you?" Nathaniel asked me. "Please?" I smiled extra excited that I get help. "Sike your little ass got extra hype" Nathaniel laughed at me. "This dick Nathaniel, this dick" I said before he close lined me back onto the bed. "This what?" He asked pinning my hands over my head. "We fight?" I laughed staring at him. "Now we do, now you have to" He said making me laugh some more. "Okay so get up so we can fight" I laughed still trying to break free. "Aight no sneaking either" Nathaniel laughed. "I'm not" I giggled. Once Nathaniel got up, I hopped up and grabbed his hoodie. "See I could finish you right now" I laughed uncontrollably. Nathaniel was trying to wiggle out of his hoodie. But it was a zip up hoodie so he would have to unzip it in order to get out of it. "You look silly as hell" I giggled and got tackled down back onto my bed. "Ouch!!" I laughed. "Now who look silly as hell?" He smirked. "You do still!" I laughed covering my stomach so he won't be able to tickle me. "Aight when I break you up don't say nothing" He chuckled and got up off of me. "Yeah that's what they all say" I smiled as Nathaniel kicked off his sneakers and laid in my bed. "What we about to watch?" I asked standing up so I can go get the snacks from the kitchen. "Wild N Out. That's cool?" He asked looking up at me. "Yes! Do you not see how fine Nick Cannon is? And how funny Emmanuel Hudson is?" I asked. That's actually one of my favorite shows on MTV. "I don't care how fine Nick Cannon is, but Emmanuel Hudson is dead funny" Nathaniel said mimicking me. "Boy whatever, I'll be back" I said and went downstairs to the kitchen. Grabbing some pop tarts, a bag of Dorito's and two Snapple's the made my way back up to my room.

"Kennedi!!" My mom yelled my name. "What did you do now?" Nathaniel laughed sitting up. "To be honest, I don't know" I shrugged and made my way out of my room and downstairs to the living room. "Yes ma?" I asked pushing my braids back off my face. "Who's here?" She asked sounding out of breath. "Nathaniel" I said raising my eye brow. "What did I tell you to do when you woke up?!" She yelled even louder. "What?" I asked super confused. I swear my mom been acting so moody this week. Its either she's pregnant or going through it with my dad. "Are you serious?! Send Nathaniel home and I'll tell you what I told you to do!" She snapped. I bit my lip from laughing and turned around jogging up the stairs. "Nate?" I opened my room door. "What's up?" He asked laying across my bed with his hands in his pants. "You was going to sleep?" I laughed knowing that's what he does so he can fall asleep. "Nah what's up though?" He asked still laying in the same position. "I don't know what I was supposed to do for my mom so she says you have to leave" I rolled my eyes. "Its cool and just hit me up later aight?" He said standing up and put on his coat. I pouted while crossing my arms. "Fix your face" Nathaniel chuckled grabbing his phone off my dresser. "No she be doing too much and now who's going to help me with my hair?" I asked making Nathaniel laugh at me. "Using ass, but walk me downstairs" He grabbed my hand. "I am not, but I know De'Asia nor Mariah will leave their houses just to help me take out these braids" I sighed as we walked down the stairs. "Listen to your moms next time" He said. "That's right!" My mom yelled standing by the door. We started laughing at her. "See you later Nate and get home safe" I laughed some more while we hugged. "Good looking. See you later Momma Ken" He said opening the door. "Bye baby" My mom smiled at him. I laughed and shook my head at her. She's something else. "Tell everybody I said hi!" I said watching him get into his car. "I got you!" He yelled back. I waited until he pulled off to close the door. "So now what did I do ma?" I asked locking the door. "My house looks filthy! And I'm supposed to have company this week! That's what you was supposed to do and when I got off work we were supposed to go food shopping Kennedi. What were you doing anyways?!" She yelled at me. "Nothing. I woke up to Nathaniel calling me and I invited him over" I shrugged. Nathaniel was arguing with Yasmin and his aunt because Yasmin told her what happened the other day. Even when Alizé tried to help Nathaniel out, she got cursed out too. So he came over here to cool off, but here came the dictator of the house kicking him out. "You better not mess this one up with your dad, he actually likes him" She pointed at me. "You really should know by now, I could careless about that mans opinion. So start cleaning now?" I asked ready to get away from her as well. "Yes, I'll be back" She grabbing her coat and walking out of the door. I shrugged and walked over to the living room; that's where I'm going to start first. Turning on my moms speakers, I attached my phone and let the music play while I started cleaning up the living room. I hope she takes long because I don't need her to come home rushing me. I actually hate being rushed.

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