Chapter 12

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Nathaniel (Casper) POV
Waking up extra early I hopped in the shower and showered for a few minutes then got out. Getting dressed I put on my white under shirt on with my black Polo briefs and my white Nike socks. Then I put on my royal blue Air Nike sweat shirt, dark denim Nudies and my Varsity 14's. Spraying my Polo cologne over my clothes, Alizè turned over and looked up at me. "Where are you going?" She mumbled with her eyes halfway closed. "Going to pick up Kennedi" I said and she nodded her head. "Are you going to be back in time to pick me up?" She asked. "Yeah I got you" I said grabbing my black Polo hoodie and my black icy Pelle. "Okay just text me if you can't or anything" she said then turned back. "Nah she's not that far" I said grabbing my keys and phone. I left the house and hopped inside of my car. Putting on my seat belt I called Kennedi so she can be ready by the time I get there.

"Yeah Nathaniel?"

"I'm on my way so start getting ready"

"Okay". And she hung up. So I turned up the radio on and started driving towards her hotel.

Getting to the hotel I just went straight upstairs and knocked on the door. "Coming give me a minute!" Kennedi yelled. "Hurry up big head!" I said just to mess with her. "Now you're waiting out there until I leave!" She yelled back. I laughed and she opened the door. "Better had" I joked and she mugged me. "Don't start I only had five hours of sleep". "My fault" I chuckled and slouched against the couch. Kennedi sat on the bed while she lotioned her arms and then went inside of the bathroom. I turned on the TV watching Sponge Bob until she was ready. Kennedi came dressed out in her white turtle neck leotard and her denim jumper with her black Timbs. "I'm ready let me just grab my bag and jacket" She said and put on her black fluffy bow hat. "Aight we still got time too, so you want breakfast?" I asked already texting India 'good morning'. Low key I was sweating shawty, that's who I was with last night when I came to pick up Kennedi. But I was planning to leave her house around that time anyways. "Yes I'm starving" Kennedi said putting on her hoodie then her leather jacket then sprayed herself with some good ass smelling perfume. "Mhm what's that?" I asked hopping up. "Tropical Rush" She giggled showing off the pretty bottle. "That shit smell wild good, can I get some?" I asked holding my hand out. "Here" she passed it off to me and grabbed her bag. "We can go now and look I have the lotion too" She smiled showing off the lotion the dropped it inside of her bag right along with the perfume. "Hint hint I want that for Christmas" I smirked holding the door open for her. "We cool enough for that?" She asked putting on her Do not disturb sign up. "Here we go with this" I mumbled fixing my hat. She giggled and pinched my cheek. "I'm just playing. That's all you want for Christmas?" Kennedi smiled at me. But she low key just crushed my feelings. I nodded my head and let her walk down the stairs first. We left the hotel and got inside of my car. I turned the music back on and headed towards IHOP. "This could be us but you playing" Kennedi sang along with the radio.

"Nate I said I was joking! Are you really going to ignore me?" Kennedi yelled at me. I forked the pancake and put it inside of my mouth. We sat inside in IHOP to eat instead, we did have to wait until Alizè had to wake up, shower and get dressed. "Really?" She pouted. "You good. I get it, it was a joke" I said then sipped on my orange juice. "But it doesn't seem like you got the joke. Like I said I'm sorry" She continued to pout and eat her food. "What are you so afraid of?" I asked breaking the five minute silence. "Nothing. I'm afraid of nothing" Kennedi shrugged nonchalantly. "I think you're afraid of attachment. Am I right?" I stared at her until her eyes watered. Kennedi nodded her head while wiping her tears. "Can we just drop it?" She asked poking her pancakes. "Nah cause you always seem to take that shit out on me, I'm not the one to brag but ever since I entered your life I was always there for you. Even when you gave me your ass to kiss" I admitted. Kennedi stared at me and nodded her head. "Fine, you won't have to be after today. So enjoy it" She shrugged and got up walking out. I sighed and grabbed Alizè food that I ordered as well then followed behind Kennedi. Catching up to her she was trying to flag a cab down. "Yo Kennedi!" I called after her but she continued to ignore me. "Yo stop acting like that Kennedi" I said taking her out of the street and on to the side walk. "How do you expect for me to act? When my own father hates me over a boy that I couldn't help to be around being that he's my best friend and the only boy that did care for me got murdered in front of me?" She cried as her tears flood her face. "You right, but Kennedi what did I tell you before? Like you can count me in for another boy that care for you. I mean like you're the first girl friend I actually have. Every other girl is associates or old quick fucks but you're making it hard by pulling away from me. Kennedi we are cool, close and even tell each other almost everything. At least I keep it a hundred with you" I ranted as she calmed her cries. "Nathaniel I like you as friend every word you're saying is true, but I'm afraid if I get close to you I'll lose you too and I can't take another broken friendship" She cried staring at me. "I hear you Ken. But Nathaniel isn't going anywhere you hear me?" I asked pulling her into a hug. "Yes" she cried some more. So I took her hat off so I can rub her hair to make her calm down. "And Nathaniel I was really joking I thought you were going to say something smart or funny like you always do when I speak to you. I'm sorry" Kennedi pouted looking up at me. "It's cool, I took it wrong. But we're going to work on it. Yo you make me gay as hell" I joked making her smile and laugh a little as well. I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. "Cool out, okay?" I assured her. "I'm good can we go back inside and eat?" She smiled at me. "Yeah come on" I chuckled and lead her back to IHOP.

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