«Chapter 1; First Day»

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"Please Freya! It will be so fun, it would be great if we could go, just us girls, meet some people, get out there." Ally begs me for the 15th time today.

I don't know how many times I have said no but it's like she can't even hear me. This stupid party is going to be the death of me.

"Ally! I don't want to go to goddamn party! Something bad always happens at these things and I don't want to be the victim of that!" I slam down my lunch tray on the table. She just sighs and sits opposite me.

Keira sits down next to me and eyes us at the tension.
"Is everything okay over here?" She asks awkwardly.

"Ally is mad at me because I'm refusing to get raped at a stupid high school party."

Keira laughs and nudges me.
"Are you serious? This isn't some crappy fan fiction Freya, this is real life. It's actually really fun and you meet some great people." She raises her eyebrows and digs into her salad. Which consists of just lettuce, cucumber and tomatos because she is a hardcore vegan.

"What great people, like drug addicts and sluts?" I push my crappy school dinner away and cross my arms.
Ally is away with the clouds at this point, staring off into space, probably thinking of her latest favourite band.

"Oh please. Stop being so fucking uptight Freya. Just come to this one, What could go wrong? It's just a little high school party. Live a little."

I walk out of high school, sighing in stress at my first day. Being a senior is going to be a tough one, I can already tell.
I already have 2 art projects, coursework from media, an English story to write and maths homework and I definitely can't be assed to do it.
At the start of every year you always say to yourself you're going to be motivated and do well, but that never works for anyone, including me.

After hours of nagging and whining in my ear Ally somehow convinced me that this party will be a hell of a good time, so for that reason I finally gave in and told her yes.
God knows why considering I know my party animal best friend will get hammered and leave me the minute we get there, she won't even be sober enough to look out for me.

Shes coming over tonight to help me with my outfit, God knows what she'll make me wear, probably something like she wears which makes me dread this stupid party even more.
What Ally wears is basically an invitation to get hit on and boys are a big no for me for the rest of my life as an independent woman.

While lost in my train of thought I don't notice Lauren coming up to me until she decides to scream right in my ear...

I scream and turn around only shooting an unappreciative glare in her direction.

"Hey hey hey bae! Are you coming to the party tonight?" She squeals and links arms with me.

Ally describes Lauren as my 'charity case'. No one really likes her and that includes me but because she has no friend I have to be nice to her and I don't have the heart to tell her to leave me alone, hence where Ally got the name for her from.

"Ugh being forced to. What about you?" I groan and she giggles. Her eyeliner is smudged, she's probably been crying, she always cries at school.
I don't know much about her apart from she's got some boyfriend who lives in England that she met on holiday and she cries every day because she can't be with him.

"Uh duh! Have you heard that the boys from 5 seconds of summer are going?" She licks her lips which makes me want to cringe. I shrug and she turns me round and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"We all know your totally into Luke Freya, don't lie about it. This is your chance. I'm guessing you'll be going with Ally, so just have fun okay, I'll see you there. I love you."
She kisses my cheeks and runs off with her little sister. What have I got myself into?


There's a knock on my bedroom door disturbing me from my nap, which already has me severely pissed off never mind the fact that the party starts in 2 hours.
Ally bursts in to my room with a wardrobe of clothes and I don't try to suppress the annoyed groan that erupts from my throat. It doesn't phase Ally though as she begins hanging up some of the clothes on my wardrobe door.

"Wake up sunshine, we're getting ready to parrrtttyyyy!" She winks and pats the side of my cheek making me even more irritated.

Ally may be my best friend but she's annoying at the worst of times and I kind of want to punch her round her pretty little face right now.

I sit up and rub my eyes, yawning.
"Ally, how the hell did you get past my mum with that many dresses and how the hell did you get past yours?"
She laughs at my grumpy outburst and puts her make-up bag on my desk.

"Come on hunny, make up time."

Oh dear God.


"Oh my God Frey, you look absolutely stunning!" Ally gasps and turns me around to look in my mirror.

I'm shocked at the fact I even look half decent.

"I guess you really can work wonders Ally Pally." I smile at her and she shakes her head and picks up her bag.

"Or maybe you're just pretty you knobjockey."

"Knobjockey?" I laugh at her insult as she waves me off.

Ally is very pretty herself, even naturally but dressed up she looks like she could be a fashion model. She's beautiful and her sense of style contributes towards her looks by far.

Her long chestnut brown hair brings out the beautiful emerald green of her eyes and her olive skin tone makes her look permanently tanned.
Her plump lips are covered in Unicorn Blood by Jeffree Star which is her signature liquid lip that she wears everyday.
She's beautiful and her short black bodycon skirt and pink corset like top bring out her skinny but curvy body well.
Her heels define her legs and make her look taller, leaner and even more model like.

Sometimes I can't help the pang of jealously that brews in my chest when I look at Ally. She really does have it all and she doesn't even realise it.

She's shoved me in a red just above the knee strapless dress, which is bodycon and clings tightly to my also curvy body, although makes my boobs look even flatter than they are naturally.
My hair is down and straightened and my bold dark brown lipstick matches the colour that I dye it.
We both look good in our individual ways.

We climb out of the window carefully and shut it quietly, landing quite ungracefully since we are Freya and Ally.

"Come on Ally, let's get this goddamn party over with." I sigh and Keira pulls up in her Ford Focus. We climb in and off we go as Kiera and Ally blast some old emo band and laugh at their ex emo phase together while I sit in the back and hate my life.


We pull up only a few minutes later and I stare at the largish house. It's bigger than mine for sure but its not abnormally large. There's no one on the lawn which surprises me.
Maybe my expectations are too cliche but I expected toilet roll and red cups littered everywhere.
I need to stop rewatching Bad Neighbours.

A couple of drunk people stumble out of the house and giggle as they stumble to the ground and one girl gets her tall stiletto heel stuck in the mud.
The both basically cry with laughter and try to get it unstuck.
Meanwhile Ally, Keira and I get out of the car and I nervously follow after them as we enter the house.

Maybe my expectations were right as I stare around the house and witness the most cliche seen of my life.

A Young Mum: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now