«Chapter 2; The Party»

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I try to ignore the boys winking and whistling as we walk through the house towards the back garden.
Ally doesn't seem phased as she glides through, smiling at the same people who are eating her up with their hungry eyes.
I suppose she's used to it.

Keira hangs back and smiles at me, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"Don't worry Frey, you'll be fine. And I'll be by your side the whole time okay? I promise." She smiles and squeezes my hand.

I try to seem like I'm careless but inside I'm considering suicide as she drags me through the crowd and so the party begins.


Never believe Kiera and Ally's promises. Ever.
I'm now stuck alone in the middle of the dance floor and have been for the past 30 minutes which was when Ally said she was going to the toilet.
Great one Al.

I cant see Keira either, or Lauren, so I'm alone at this stupid party which I didn't even want to come to anyway.

"Hey sexy, I'm Luke." I hear a guy say behind me. When I turn around he falls into me, giggling in the process.
I'm shocked when I turn around to see it's Luke Hemmings, who is one of the famous 5 seconds of summer boys who our school worships as if they're kings.

Lauren was right when she said I had a thing for Luke, he's gorgeous but him drunk is not very pleasing and all I want to do is escape his stare.

"I'm not sexy, I'm Freya." I smile awkwardly and give a little wave.

Why the hell did I do that? I look like an idiot now.

"Ha nice one! I'm basically pissing my pants." He says sarcastically and takes a sip of his drink.
I roll my eyes at his smartass attitude. That wasn't very nice now was it?

"I see you around school a lot. You're Ally Willow's best friend. She's a sort that girl is. Almost as much as you."
He winks and I almost gag.
Jesus, this guy is hot but he is a right ass.
I just smile and attempt to walk away.

"No don't leave me, all my friends ditched me to go get high in the bushes with that Ally girl. She told me to look after you." He smirks.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. That little... Ugh! Why the hell would she do that? Just to get high with 3 dudes? True best friend right there.

"Look, I'm just gonna go home okay, so just leave me alone-" he cuts me off by shoving me towards the door.

"Let's go see our friends outside." He smiles.
I know for sure he's a nice guy, but he's drunk and I don't know if I trust somebody whose drunk and hot, and thinks I'm sexy.

He gently drags me out to the backyard where his friends and Ally are sat around a bonfire.
Ally is perched proudly on Calum's lap, and his arms are linked together around her tiny waist as she buns on the zoot and giggles afterwards.

My eyes widen at her ridiculous actions and my pent up anger is bursting to come out as I charge towards her.

"Hi Ally it's great to see you! Now come on, we need to talk!" I pull her off the log she's sat on.
I drag her along with me into the forest and push her back slightly.

"What the hell Ally! You told Luke Hemmings to look after me so that you didn't have to bother so you could go off and smoke and sit on people's lap like some whore!"

Her eyes widen at my sudden outburst and her cheeks go red.

"How fucking dare you! The only reason I left you and told Luke to look after you was because I know you like him! I was just trying to do something nice but as per usual you have to be a bitch about it." She tuts at me, keeping her cool but her eyes are blazing.

"That doesn't mean I want you to make me speak to him, you're such a bitch Ally! I didn't even want to come to this stupid party, I came to have fun with you and you just left me!"
I walk closer to her and get up in her face.

"I genuinely can't believe how much of a bitch you're being! I did this for you. I didn't force you to come to this party, you said yes that's your decision. I only nagged at you because I want you to have fun!" She shouts moving even closer to my face.

"You can't make my decisions for me Ally! I'm my own person for God's sake! I'm so done with you bossing me around. My version of fun is being organised and not screwing up my whole life by skipping school and going to parties every night. Sorry I'm not destined to be a failure like you!" I regret the words and I know I've gone too far but Ally won't lose this fight, she never loses fights.

"Wow, you're so goddamn uptight! Why are you like this? Why can't you ever just let go and have fun? One boy is going to ruin your whole life? You're done with me, I'm done with you making me feel like a fucking idiot just because I want to have good teenage memories. I'm done."
She storms off in a rage, probably to find Keira to take her home. Great, now I'm stuck at this stupid party.

"I CAN HAVE FUN! I CAN LET GO! I'LL SHOW YOU ALLY WILLOW!" I scream after her but she doesn't turn back. God what have I done.


"Shots, shots, shots, shots, sh-shots, shots, shots, shots, sh-shots, shots, shots, shots, sho-shots, EVERYBODY!"

Everyone laughs and we all chug back our 15th shot. Hanging out with Michael and Luke is fun. They are seriously cool guys.

Somehow and at some point, Lauren joined us and has been making out with Michael ever since. Wonder what her English boyfriend would make of that?

"Wanna make-out?" I hear Luke whisper in my ear. I smirk and turn around, pulling him towards me and crashing his lips to mine.

I can have fun. I can let go.

Our lips move together in sync and we both moan a little. I guess everyone at this party is slightly turned on.

Our kiss soon gets heated and pretty soon I'm being pressed up against a wall, my leg hitched up on Lukes hip, his hips grinding slowly into me, the only thing separating us is our clothes and I've never felt so satisfied yet so needy in my whole life.

"Oi Luke, take it upstairs." Ashton says, Ally tucked under his arm as she giggles at something Calum is doing.

Luke looks to me in consent.

I'm drunk but I'm not stupid, but one look at Ally and remembering her disappointment in me earlier, even if she's not looking now, I want to prove to her that I have it in me to let go.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" I smirk.

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