«Chapter 9; KMS»

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Two weeks later and I've been hanging out with myself and Luke all days. I haven't really bothered with school much, convincing my mum that I've had a stomach ache which I guess is true in a way.

But today I need to get up and go to school, so up I am, waiting for the bus because once again Ally bailed on me. I see a car pulling up to the bus stop and get weary because I'm the only one here and this street is stranded. I just stand back a bit and pause my music.

"Freya! Hey there! How are you? Get in!" Michael screams from the front seat.

I'm a bit shell shocked to be honest because his mum is smiling hopefully at me and he's smiling like a trooper. Should I? I walk towards the car and open the back door, getting in slowly.

"Er, hi, thankyou." I smile at Michael's mum and she smirks back.
Wait does she think- Oh my God she thinks I'm Michael's girlfriend. That smirk proves it all.

"Mum this is Freya, she's the girl Luke got pregnant." Michael basically yells from the front seat.

I want to strangle him so bad. I can feel the blush on my cheeks as it burns into them and my eyes even begin to water. I cannot believe he did that. Is this because of what I said to Ally? That's low because every one knows how embarrassed I am.

"Michael Gordon Clifford how dare you! You never ever do something like that, ever do you hear? That is so embarrassing for poor Freya! She mightn't not wanted me to know!" His mum screams at him.

Well at least I now know where Michael gets his mouth from. The car ride is silent apart from that and we soon arrive at school. I'm already regretting the decision to come, and I already want to shoot someone. I'm also really nervous to see Ally. Michael gets out of the car and awkwardly waits outside my door but Michael's mum holds me back.

"Listen honey, my big-mouthed son is a pure idiot and I am so sorry he did that to you. But, I'm glad I know because now I can let you know that you can talk to me whenever, okay? I understand that I'm just your friends mum and I'm nothing to you but sometimes it helps to talk about it. I think Michael is having the boys over tomorrow and Ally, so come over then and we can have a nice chat okay?" She smiles and I nod and get out, feeling a little bit better already.

"I'm sorry Freya, it just kind of came out. You know how excited I get?" He looks really sorry but I just ignore him. If he's gonna blurt it out everywhere the whole school will know and that's the last thing I want. I just roll my eyes and walk faster.


"Oh my God! Freya, we've been so worried about you! How have you been?" Lauren shouts as I arrive to the table.

It's the first time Lauren has sat with us this year. Kiera is on her phone but looks up as soon as she hears my name.

"Jesus fucking Christ, it looks like Little Miss Awal has come back to school." Kiera says.

"Where have you been, you fucking bitch?" I sit down and laugh, immediately getting stuck into my lunch. God, being pregnant makes me so hungry.

"I've been ill, shut up. Where's Ally?" I say, looking round the lunch hall. Kiera points over to the table where Toby is sat with his friends Kian and Emily.

I'm pretty sure that Emily was one of the girls that Toby cheated on her with ages ago but no tea no shade.

"She hasn't sat with us since you had an argument. She said she doesn't want to make things awkward. Also, she told us that you have something to tell us?" I curse at Ally from afar.

I guess I'll have to tell them eventually anyway.

"Oh...right. So guys, I need to tell you that...I, um, I'm pregnant."

Keira and Lauren's mouths fall open and they sit there looking shocked as hell. I don't know what to say so I just awkwardly look down at my lunch. Lauren stands up and comes round, supporting me by wrapping her arms round my frame and bringing me in.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry Freya. Are you happy about it?" She asks delicately.

"No! And I blame you guys for making me go to that stupid party and have sex with Luke!" I shout and push Lauren away from me. Keira begins to protest but Lauren stops her.

"Let it all out hunny, just speak." She says. I feel like I needed this cause I can already see that when I start I won't be able to stop.

"I don't want to be pregnant! I'm barely 16, I literally turned 16 two months ago and everything is crumbling around me. I'm having a baby, I'm fighting with Ally, I feel like I'm not good enough for Luke and when people find out, I'm gonna be called a slut, or a whore, or a bitch and everyone is gonna hate me. I feel like my whole life is screwed because of the thing inside me that's never going to go away. I feel like it shouldn't be me that's pregnant! I feel like I'm such a hypocrite always telling Ally to be careful and having a go at her over Toby when I'm the one whose knocked up and doesn't even have a boyfriend! I feel so useless, like no one wants to be around me. I just want somebody to help me but at the same time I want to be alone. I feel so disgusted in myself and like I am a slut, or a whore. I feel like I just want to kill myself!"

"Oh honey." Lauren says for the hundredth time.

Her constant need to use the word honey is making me want to kill myself even more and it's the worst response when I've tried to tell her how I feel.

"You're fine babes. There's always abortion." Keira shrugs as if it isn't a big deal.

I've thought about it of course but I kind of ruled it once I thought about all those people who can't have kids and me taking advantage of it is the most unfair thing to do just because I'm an idiot.

"That shouldn't be an option." Lauren snaps at Keira.

"It's her choice you annoying bitch." Keira rolls her eyes and although I feel like I'm drowning I can't help but laugh a bit which makes Lauren go a deep shade of red.

"It's just my opinion." She says shyly.

"Yeah well no one wants it." Keira can be a right bitch when she wants to be and Lauren stands up and runs off, upset by Keira's comments.

"You're a fucking bitch." I roll my eyes.

I get a bit sick of her sometimes. She's more Ally's friend than mine and I can tell she's irritable because Ally isn't sat with us.
They're more compatible because they're both fun and I'm BORING.

"Oh god don't start blubbering again I don't think I can actually cope with your crocodile tears." Keira whines.

"What the fuck Keira? Has something happened with Rachel, is that why you're being such a bitch because there's no fucking need?"

"No but you're acting like such a victim going around the place crying when in reality all you've been to all your friends is a cunt. You've pushed Ally always from all of us just because she loves Toby and you can't accept that and you've been a dick to all of your boyfriends friends."

"I don't care if she loves Toby, it's not fair how he treats her and I have not pushed her away I've-"

"Here you go again trying to defend yourself when there's nothing to defend because you're in the wrong but you can't just fucking admit that."

"You're such a horrible person." I shake my head, and she laughs, she actually bursts out laughing.

"Coming from you, you pregnant, whiny slut."

She snarls at me as she gets up and walks off, leaving me sat baffled at the table by myself at what the fuck has just happened.

A Young Mum: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now