«Chapter 6; Sex Education»

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"What do you mean we have to do sex education? We did that in 8th grade. Why do we have to again?" Lauren whines.

Keira rolls her eyes and we both sigh towards each other.

"We have to do it because some teacher caught two kids making out in the boys locker room. It's no big deal, it will be over pretty soon."
Keira shoves open the door to the gym and we all find our seats in our forms.

"Hello Everyone."
Everyone I enthusiastically mumbles back a hello to Mr Bronso.

"So as most of you know, this is the start of SE, which is also knows as," he spins the board round. "Sex Education."
A couple of people wolf whistle and a load of stupid jocks start laughing.

"Enough! Now, we weren't going to teach it this year because of the test results of sex education and how successful this year was when they took exams in it in 8th grade. But the government require sex education if students are caught in a part of 'sexual activity'." He drones on and I zone out, rolling my eyes at the stupid remarks of the stupid boys who can't be serious about a thing.

"Sorry." I hear a voice whisper and look to see Ally manoeuvring past people in the row of seats to reach me.

"Ally it's last period. Why come in now?" I whisper amused by her entrance.

"Oh come on Freya. There's no way I could miss this shit." She says with a glint in her eye and I laugh as Mr Bronso carries on and it's now Ally and I who are the stupid kids who can't be serious about a thing.

"Now you kids are at the age where you will begin to go to parties and make mistakes, that's understandable. But it should be understandable that mistakes do give you pay back sometimes. That pay back can often be, "I'm late." And what does that mean kids? That means your pregnant."

Oh my fucking God.
Ally looks at me in shock.

"Some of the symptoms to prove you are possibly pregnant are,
-being sick, mostly in the morning,
-being constantly hungry,
-having stomach aches and cramps,
-serious mood swings,
That's mostly a good sign that you should take a test immediately."

My heart seems to skip a beat as Mr Bronso carries on about protection and staying safe. I can't even seem to hear him anymore.
Imagine finding out just today that you've had sex and then on the same day realising you've had all of these symptoms.

I filled Ally in earlier about the sex with Luke thing while we were supposed to be discussing consent.
She was sympathetic towards me but just stated that sex is a part of life and doesn't need to be a big deal, she understands why I'm upset but claims I shouldn't feel bad about myself.

"It's happened to the best of us Frey." She said and smiled at me.

"You've had sex at a high school party too?"

"I have."

That chat feels like hours ago and Ally's wide eyes show me that THIS part hasn't happened to the best of us, this is serious and my heart is beating ten to the fucking dozen.

Sir finishes and the bell goes which is when everybody stands up, rushing out to their evenings and lockers.

I start to run as well, not waiting up for Ally as the tears immediately spring to my eyes. I'm scared. Shitless. Of what this could mean and what could happen... what would I even do?

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