Chapter 34; Freddie

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This is it.
I officially cannot go to school anymore.
I'm too far along because I've finally gotten to the 8 month mark, which is honestly terrifying. In one months time I could possibly have a baby, an actual living baby.

I watch Luke closely as he gets ready for school, throwing on a plaid shirt over the top of a plain white one. It's been so long since he's worn something like that that I almost want to jump him, but then I remember that he's still angry with me, the stubborn fuck.

He was sympathetic when I turned up to his door at 7pm, crying because my parents hate me and luckily for me Liz is an angel and let me in immediately, calling Luke down and ordering for him to comfort me as she made me a plate of dinner and a hot drink. She's a life saver, honestly.
She convinced me that everything was going to be okay, that me, Luke and baby can always stay here and that she'll support us.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Luke sighs, turning round to me and not even smiling as she stares blankly.

It hurts that he's so angry. I don't even know why he is, I think he's just angry at the situation and he's taking it out on me. Either way I'm over it because I just want him to like me again.

"Yes." I smile, holding my arms out for a hug.

"I'm running late." He shrugs and walks out, mumbling a bye and disappearing out of sight.

Once he leaves I can't help the tears starting to fall down my cheeks and the only thing that makes me feel better is leaning my cheek on my bump and rubbing it.
I already love him so much, all I can think of is meeting him for the first time, having him in my arms and looking deep into his eyes.
I hope they will be bright blue like Luke's, I don't want them to be like my grey boring ones.  I want to look at him and see the same beautiful soul that I see in Luke everytime I stare deep into his eyes.
I want him to have brown hair, curly preferably so that he looks a little bit cheeky.
At the end of the day, I don't care how he turns out as long as he's healthy.
My dad calling him mentally deficient has made me worry even more now. With all the stress of this pregnancy, it would be a miracle for him to come out completely fine.

Today is my appointment with my social worker and it's the first one I've ever been to without Luke so I have to admit I'm a bit nervous.
I'm scared she's going to tell me there's only one option and it's giving him away because even the thought of that makes me worried now.

My phone rings alerting me out of my daydream and I look down to see about five texts.

Ash x:
Hey mommy! Hope you're feeling alright! Haven't seen you in what feels like forever! I'm having people round mine tonight for a little meet up, no drugs or smoking so don't panic! Luke says he doesn't know if you wanted to or not so I thought I'd just ask. Good luck with your appointment! X

I can't help but smile at Ashton's sweet message. As usual he brings a happy smile to my face.
I will go tonight because I miss all the lads and Ally especially but I'm not sure if she will turn up.
The rest of the messages are from my mom checking if I'm okay but I ignore every single one and just reply to Ashton.

My appointment starts in one hour and I arrive one minute before, only barely getting my ass on the seat before she calls me up anyway.

"Hello dear." She smiles, curving her hand toward the room and letting me walk in.

"Where's your lovely boyfriend at today?" She smiles.

"He's at school." I say.

"Ah, you're past the point of school I'm guessing?" She laughs, pointing to my stomach and I nod, attempting to laugh along with her.

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