Chapter 38; Dont go

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Ally's wide eyes are the last thing I see before all of us start to panic. We're all 16 trying to solve the case of a baby being born and the nurse is not answering Calum.

"Luke!" I cry and look to him with tears rolling down my face, I'm crying my eyes out already, the fear getting the best of me.

"It's gonna be okay." He tries to comfort me but his own tears and panicky eyes let me know he's just as scared as me.

"What's going on?" The nurse says, rushing beside my bed and checking everything.

The minute we inform her that my waters have broken it seems to be all systems go, doctors and midwives start running in getting things ready for when the actual birth happens.

"Do you want a birth partner?" The nurse looks at both Luke and Ally and they look up at each other.

Instead of responding I hold out my two hands and then scream out in pain suddenly. Immediately I feel the warmth of their two hands on my palm and I squeeze to try and suppress the pain.

I don't know where Calum is, I've lost track of him at this point. Everything is happening so quickly and I feel dizzy. When a gas and air tank is placed next to me I feel nothing but relief, the pain inside me is something I've never felt before, it hurts so much that I want to rip my heart out so I wont feel the pain. This is impossible. Why would anyone have another baby after this torture I don't understand?

"He's coming!" I hear a doctor shout.

"Alright darling I want you to breathe deep breaths and just think of your little baby boy and push okay darling." The nurse says to me and I try to nod but the pain is too much.

"Oh my God Luke!" I shout gripping onto both him and Ally tighter than ever.

"Come on keep pushing Frey, come on!" Ally encourages me, probably shit scared herself.

"We're gonna be a family babe." Luke smiles and I sob in his direction, wanting nothing more than to be laid in his arms right now.

"It's not worth it, it's not worth the pain!" I shout and they try to tell me it is but they don't know this pain, they don't understand this feeling.

It feels like a million years when the doctors finally announces they can see the head.

"He's coming! He's coming." Ally holds tightly on to my hand and lets her tears fall with no remorse.

"Here he comes Frey. Come on Fred's." Luke mumbles to himself.

As if magic suddenly I do a rather large incredibly painful push which makes me feel like I'm gonna shit myself and then I hear the sharp wails of a baby. Is that Freddie?

"Baby Freddie, born 7:22pm at 7 pounds. Here we go mummy." The nurse hands me Freds and I look down at the person I've been carrying inside me for 9 months.

Love is not the word when I look into his eyes, it's more than that. Its deeper. This baby is my flesh and blood, i carried him and birthed him and I will take care of him for the rest of my life.

The Rush suddenly slows down and I can't pull my eyes away from Freddie's. All babies have blue eyes but I can already tell his are gonna keep and they're gonna sparkle just like Luke's do. His little fluff of blonde hair is the cutest of all. Just like Luke's.

"Oh my God, Fred's." Luke whispers, leaning down next to the bed and smiling at Freddie, he can't take his eyes off of him and I can't take my eyes off of Luke.

"Hey baby." He whispers, tears silently falling from his eyes.

"Hello little Fred's." I smile down at him and he already looks pissed off. Must take after me.

A Young Mum: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now