«Chapter 4; I'm late»

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"I'm late." I whisper to Ally as we put our books away in our lockers.
The bell just sounded for the end of the day and I know Ally isn't going to hang around.

"Um, great but the bell only just went and your parents won't be home yet."
She raises her eyebrows and gives me the look as if I'm going mad.

"No! Oh for God's sake Al. I'm late. For my period." I say. A look of realisation crosses her face and she laughs.

"Oh. I'm such a ditz sometimes. Wait, what do you mean? I thought you started early last week?" She whispers, leaning against her locker.

"I didn't actually start. I'm worried, what if I got some disease from that alcohol?" I frown and bite the end of my thumb. Ally laughs.

"Chill Frey, I'm sure it's nothing, okay?" She smiles reassuringly and I smile back.

My smile soon turns into a frown when I see who is behind her.

"Hey babe." She turns around and smirks, throwing her arms around her dumbass boyfriends neck. I roll my eyes. He hugs her back fondly and gives me an awkward glare.

"Hi there Freya. How's life?" He asks, trying to be civil. I slam my locker shut.

"It's great Toby, thanks. Anyway, Ally I'll speak to you later, lub ooo bye!" I hug her quickly and scurry off.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's Ally's boyfriend, Toby. Hes the biggest twat out there, hes cheated on so many girls, hes 'all about that banter' and 'friends' with about every girl in this school. He's also a class A druggie, he does drugs everyday without any remorse and is addicted.

I hate him with a burning passion but I can't stop Ally from seeing him, she just won't have it.
She's got this thing about him, they've been on and off for three years, and many of the times they've broken up is because he's cheated but they just can't seem to stay away from each other.
Their toxic relationship is going to be the death of Ally but what can I do?
It's none of my business.


"Do you think Ally's mom will mind?" Mom says to me for about the 30th time.

"No mom. She loves me, she doesn't mind me going, she tells me that all the time."
I climb out the car and sigh when I hear the window being rolled down.

"Tell her thankyou! Have a good weekend." Mom drives off and I walk up Ally's drive.

There's no point in knocking, Allys Mom isn't home and Ally lives on the 3rd floor so she won't even hear the door, especially with her loud music blasting all the time.

I use the spare key and walk in and up the stairs, greeting her dog Rolo on the way.

When I walk in I want to rip my eyeballs out.
Maybe not calling Ally first was a bad idea.

"I love you." Toby mutters to Ally, not noticing my presence as I glare in shock.

His eyes turn around to greet mine as Ally kisses his neck.

"Shit Ally! Why is your weird friend staring at us making out?" Toby yells and pulls down his shirt.

I wouldn't vote him as the type of boy who got embarrassed being caught with something like that but his cheeks go the reddest I've ever seen.

I don't know if it's because he got caught making out with Ally or if it's because I heard him tell her he loved her but he's embarrassed anyhow.

A Young Mum: Luke HemmingsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu