Chapter 24; Lift Your Head

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It's officially been two weeks today since Luke told me things were over between us. For the first week I didn't even bother going into school but for the past week I decided an education might help me possibly provide this child with a good future.

I haven't spoken to Calum or Michael once since what happened with Luke but I'm not surprised. Calum never liked me and Michael was only nice to me because I was there, he never went out of his way for me.
Ashton I've spoken to a few times in art but he keeps the conversations simple now. He doesn't seem very with it either, but he doesn't burden me with his problems.

It's Ally which is the most shocking part of it all. Literally nobody has heard from her for the past two weeks. She hasn't been active on any social media or answered her phone or come into school, she hasn't been seen around town or anything.
It's gotten to the point where Ashton even went up to Toby and asked him if he'd heard anything. He was just as shocked as Ashton and according to Ash even seemed a little bit worried.

It's like within the course of three weeks, I managed to lose all my friends and now I don't even have Keira to fall back on.
I go home for lunch, it's more bearable than sitting on my own in the canteen like an absolute mug.

Art is actually my next lesson after lunch, and i keep my head down as I make a beeline straight for my lesson.

"Hi." I mutter to Ashton as I sit down.

"Hey Freya. How are you feeling?" He says softly, smiling his usual chirpy smile at me.

"Not my best. Tired, sick, and I ache. Pros of being knocked up." I do two thumbs up and smile as Ashton lets out a soft giggle.

"You?" I simply ask him and he frowns and then let's out a little laugh and disguises it as a cough.

"Am I being ghosted Freya?" He suddenly says, shocking me into dropping my pencil.

"No, no Ashton. Ally hasn't spoken to anyone, literally. If she was ghosting she'd of only avoided you." I nod and smile but he doesn't return it, instead deeply thinking to himself.

"Where the fuck is she Freya? I know you've got bigger fish to fry what with Luke and this baby, but this is driving me mad. Even Calum hasn't heard from her and he's her bestest friend." He sighs.

Well ouch.
That's a bit like an arrow straight into my heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like-"

"It's fine Ashton." I smile.

"When I last saw her...she was arguing with Toby, over you. And then me and her had a-"

"Falling out. She told her mom that you two fell out, which I know because I called her mom, who says she's fine." Ashton states.

"Did you know about-"

"Nope. I didn't even see Toby at the party but that explains where Ally was half the night." He scowls.

"I've...said some pretty nasty things about Ally these last few weeks but truth is I miss her. I want to know she's okay."

"We should go round her house tonight! She can't ignore us then! It will be like an intervention." Ashton's face lights up with his idea.

I nod and we plan it for the rest of the lesson. When the bell rings I prepare myself to stand up and walk out but Ashton holds my hand before I can.

"For what it's worth Freya, I don't agree with Luke's theory of how this whole thing is going to work. I've been off track because of Ally but I haven't been quiet because I'm annoyed or anything." He smiles, hints of sympathy through his tone.

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