«Chapter 8; Bowling & Bonding»

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"I'm really not sure about this Ally." I say as we walk towards the bowling alley. She just sighs and takes my hand, running me to the front where the boys are.

"Hey Ash. Have you called them?" She gives him a hug that lasts for about ten minutes and then stands back next to me.

"Yeah I called them about 20 minutes ago, they should be here in 5." He shrugs, focused on his phone.
I look at Ally, who smiles innocently as if she hasn't basically dragged me here by the fucking hair.

"Oh and Ally-"

"They're here!" She shouts running towards Mike, Cal and Luke.
She whispers to them, while I stand awkwardly with Ashton.

It was never him I really spoke to apart from Art. I normally spoke to just Luke so it's kind of awkward. I don't even understand how Ally became friends with them to be quite honest. They all begin to walk over and Ally stands next to Ashton. Luke makes his way over to me and bends down a bit.

"Can we please talk?" He says, swaying on his legs and rubbing his hands together. He's nervous for sure, and so he should be. I bet it's taken Ally all her will to not rip his balls off.

"Why should I talk to you? After what you said, after how you spoke to a girl?" I spit at him and he sighs. The others drift off purposely, trying to make it look not deliberate but failing badly.

"Because, I honestly didn't mean it. I got so scared, that I just said a load of shit I didn't mean. I regret it so much, I honestly do and I feel absolutely awful. I am so, so sorry Freya. I really want to help bring up this baby. I want to bring up this baby, with you." He says shyly, looking down.

"You think after one apology I'm going to drop to my knees and worship you. I'm not a mug. You were a right dickhead and you don't deserve my forgiveness. I need you to be supportive of me right now, not make me even more stressed. You think this isn't hard for me either?" I say it loud enough for the others to hear and Ally stifles back a laugh at me telling him off.

"I know Freya and I'm really really sorry that I spoke about you that way, I am. It was immature and I was wrong. I was so scared and you're scared too obviously but I just didn't know what to say. You're pregnant and that's crazy. We're only 16 and it's just such a big thing to hear right now. I'm still shook."

"I'm sorry Luke, but I'm not being your girlfriend. Not until it's real. I don't even know you, I want to get to know you. Grow up in these nine months. That's all you have to prove it to me that you want to be here Luke. Nine months to prove to me you can be a good guy. Cause...I don't want to get hurt and you've already done a mighty fine job of fucking that up already." A tear finds it's way to my eye and Luke awkwardly puts his arms around me, I just sink into his arms and start to sob.

"I'm sorry Freya, I'm going to be there for you, I promise. Everything will be okay. I won't hurt you again." He rubs my back and I feel a few tears running down my back.

"I'm so scared Luke." I whimper and he just holds me closer.

"So am I, it's okay though. We'll be okay. Shall we have a good night with them pricks then?" He laughs and I join in, wiping my eyes. He pulls me in and kisses my forehead and then smiles and starts walking to the bowling alley place.

When we get inside and hand our shoes over, we walk over to the guys and Ally and it looks like we are walking into a fight between Michael and Ally.

"No Michael, I won the last round what the fuck?" Ally yells.

"No I did, genuinely fuck off, you're so annoying! I won and that's that okay? Sorry you're a sour loser." He chuckles and sits down on a bench.

"No, fuck you mate! I won that. Calum, I won that didn't I?" Calum looks up from his phone and nods.

"Sorry Michael mate, but she did, she got all ten twice, you got one ten and a nine." Calum innocently nods and Michael stands up and storms out, flipping us all off on the way out. Ally starts laughing and high fives Calum.

"Lets just play." I moan and we all start playing without Michael.


"I can't believe you did that." I laugh at Ally. Currently, we're on our way to the hospital because she tried to punch Calum's arm and I think she's either broken or fractured her hand because Jesus Christ. She's sat in the front seat of the taxi and Calum, Luke and I are sat in the back. Michael never returned from his strop and Ashton is following behind us in his car, which Ally being the stubborn bitch she is didn't get in because they had a fight.

"It's not funny! I'm pretty sure my fucking hand is broken! What am I supposed to do now?" She cries, looking back and glaring at Calum.

"Aw what a shame, now you can't give Little miss druggie a handjob." I say sarcastically and she turns her glare to me.

"Toby is a guy and I'm clearly not the one who gives people handjobs am I, little miss pregnant." She smirks and turns to the front seat.

"Okay, ladies, break it up. Clearly, Ally's boyfriend is a sensitive subject and so is Freya's pregnancy so lets drop it and talk about something else."
Calum tries to create peace but there's nothing he can say. I don't know why Ally and I keep arguing nowadays but it's getting really bad.

"You'll be little miss pregnant soon if your not careful. Or maybe...little miss STD because, hate to break it to you, but Toby cheats on you every other week. So before you go judging me, maybe you should take a little look at your screwed up little life and sort your head out."
I get out the car and immediately regret what I said. I've never been this bitchy in my whole life. Luke gets out, followed by Calum.

"I think for your own sake, and Ally's you should just get in the car and go home. I don't know whether you're tired or it's the hormones or something but arguing with Ally over nothing isn't going to do you any good. I'll stay with her and Ashton will take her home. Get some rest."

Calum pushes my head down into the car and then closes the door.
I get the feel that he's not and never has been a huge fan of me. He's very dismissive towards me as if I'm in the way but after the things I was saying to Ally I don't blame him.

I won't cry again. I won't cry again. I won't cry again. I won't-

"Freya!" Luke gasps, pulling me in for a hug as I start to cry.

"Everything's a mess and I'm really sad." I start blubbering.

Now this is definitely hormones because I'm acting like a big fat wuss puss.

But Luke puts up with it, as he strokes my arm and tries to be comforting.

After everything she's done for me I continue to be a shit friend.

"I want my bed." I wail.

My sobs are uncontrollable as Luke tries hard to calm me down but I'm just not having it.

He takes me inside and puts me to bed, staying with me until I fall asleep and let dreams of a little baby take over my head.

A Young Mum: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now