«Chapter 10; You don't care»

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When I sit there and think I decide I kind of have acted like a bitch recently and I do need to apologise to Ally but she's sat with her popular druggie friends and I'm actually shook.

I walk cautiously over to the druggie table, bumping into a few Year 7's on the way.

All the druggies are laughing. Joking around. Emily had her hand on Kians knee (I hope) because her hand is twitching loads.
And Toby has his hands on Allys hips as she sat between his legs, while she goes on her phone as does he.

"Er, Ally hi?" She looks up and her face pales in suprise. She knows how awkward and shy I am, she knows this took a lot.

"Freya? It's nice to see your back at school." She says solemnly. Toby hasn't even looked up from his phone, his head resting on her shoulder.

"Yeah...can I talk to you?" I ask desperately, if she doesn't come out now there has to be something wrong with her because I can feel my cheeks are wet with tears. God I'm screwed up.

"Freya! Dont cry babe, everything is going to be okay." She stands up and hugs me tightly.

"Toby I'll see you tonight. I've got to take care of my best friend but I love you." She leans down and kisses him. I'm still shell shocked they're together.

"Okay Al, I love you too." He smiles and gives me a sympathetic look.
Ally links her arm through mine and we start walking.

"Ally, don't interrupt me because I want to say thankyou so much for being such an amazing friend and an amazing person to me these past couple of weeks. This whole situation has been shit and I've been blubbering around the place acting like the baby I'm about to have and I'm sorry for being so annoying. I'm sorry for snapping all the time. You deserve a good best friend and I haven't been one lately."

"Oh shut up you soppy twat, you know I would never be salty for long. It just gave me an excuse to sit with Toby instead of Lauren and Keira if I'm honest. Although watching Emily giving Kian handjobs underneath the table all the time has not been nice." She laughs and I join in, enjoying the feeling of genuinely laughing.

"Shall we go sit with the boys?" Ally says pointing to Ashton whose waving her over frantically.

He's actually mugging himself off quite a bit so Ally and I giggle at him, pretending not to see him so he carries on.

We walk over eventually and Luke smiles and pats a free seat next to him and I sit down, ruffling his hair slightly and kissing his cheek.

"Please stop literally having sex, you're making me feel sick." Calum glares at us from over the table.

"Oi lighten up a bit Calpal. You're only moody because you wish you had a girlfriend." Ally winks and he rolls his eyes but breaks out a smile as she sits next to him and ruffles his hair and then kisses his cheek.

"See now everybody's been groomed so are you going to stop being a love buzz kill now?" Ashton laughs and Calum flips him off as we all start to converse.

"What are you doing you tramp?" I scrunch my nose up at Luke as he picks apart his sandwich and starts eating the stuff inside it and licking it first.

"I'm tryna eat all the inside stuff without eating the bread." He says, frowning in concentration at the brown bread.

"You're disgusting just eat the bread." I pick it up and shove it in his face and he sits back quickly.

A Young Mum: Luke HemmingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora