«Chapter 21; Good times gone bad»

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The minute I walk into school I hear the bitchy whispers of all the years below and even some of our year.
Honestly could they be any more pathetic, I couldn't care less what they think. I'm pregnant, so what? Shit happens.
It's none of their business.

My phone ringing interrupts my glares at the stupid 12 year olds and I pick up in a huff.


"Hey. I'm not coming in today." I hear Ally say through the phone as I hear banging in the background.

"Oh Ally why? The whole school has just found out about my pregnancy and you're abandoning me now?" I groans and she laughs.

"Your skin is thick enough without me layering it even more. You'll be fine, just think they're all stupid gossips and they have no contribution to your life so why do you care what they think?"

"Yes. I'll just hide behind Luke so he can layer my thick skin instead of you." I huff.

"I love how you pick your boyfriend over me." A hint of fake hurt comes through her tone and I laugh.

"Oh please, as if you wouldn't pick a date with Ashton over me anyday. Plus, Luke's not my boyfriend." I point out.

"YET! Luke's not your boyfriend yet. But you still l-l-l-love him you little lovebug."

"Oh shut up, you literally make me feel sick. Speaking of, are you ill today?" I ask.

"No obviously not, I'm skipping with Ashton." She mutters, not phased at all by the fact she's 1- skipping and 2- it's with Ashton and she didn't even tell me.

"Since when were you going on dates with Ashton?" I practically shout down the phone at her.

"It's not a date you bellend. We're just going to hang out, we've been friends for ages and plus I can't be bothered for school today. You can come with if you want."

"What to third wheel with you and your love struck boy toy? No thanks. And friends don't have sex so...have fun with that." I sigh.

"Thankyou, I'll have a good day. Remember your thick skin."

"Thick as thick could possibly be." I mutter as the dial tone comes through.

I sigh as I begin walking to my next lesson ignoring the snide comments and vicious stares of people in the corridor.

When I see Luke across the corridor he shoots me a beaming smile that immediately lifts my mood.

He reaches out to grab me from the crowd and pull me against him swiftly.

"Hello stranger."

"Luke I saw you last night, why are you trying to be slick?" I roll my eyes but laugh afterwards as he holds his hand against his heart.

"I like to think I'm pretty much naturally slick actually." He flicks his hair as I pretend to cringe.

We carry on talking until the bell goes and we have to go our separate ways to lesson.
The whole lesson I'm distracted thinking about the lunchtime chips I know they will be serving in the canteen later and I'm so out of it I don't hear my name being called.

"Freya? Mrs Battersby wants to see you." My teacher calls me out and my head snaps round quick.

Why would the headteacher want to see me?

"It's urgent so head straight there. Take your stuff with you doll."
Mrs Tirran had always been a kind teacher to me throughout most of my years here and I know her so well after having her for so long that I can recognise the sympathetic tone laced in her voice.

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