Chapter 37; What If

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"Are you sure you want me here Freya? You know I can imagine it's a little awkward What with where the baby comes from and everything..."

Luke, Ally and I all look at each other in amusement when Calum spouts this out and then burst out laughing. I'm in an exceeding amount of pain right now but Calum saying that has somehow made me crack up. Oh bless him.

"Calum my love, you're here so she doesn't pass out, you're fine." I say, referring to Ally and Calum takes her hand affectionately.

Despite the pain I can't help but let my mind trail off into thought about why Calum and Ally have never happened. They've always claimed that they're nothing but friends but I really see how much they support each other. My thought train is cut off by another and even stronger contraction and I scream out in pain.

"Oh my God!" Luke says, a tear from his eye dropping on to my hand. I grip his hand tightly through the pain and he does nothing but stand there and panic like a numpty.

"Luke calm the fuck down!" Ally shouts and he stops squealing like a little girl and takes a deep breath.

Ally coming over somehow makes things better as she whispers to me that everything will be okay, Freddie will be here soon and he will be worth every contraction and every stretch mark and every inch of pain I suffer through in these few hours.

According to Calum who went out for coffee for Ally and came back, my parents are freaking out big time and Lukes are fine as punch. I convince Luke to go and see them and tell them everything's fine but ask him not to speak to my parents. They lost the authority to know how I am the minute they shut me and Fred's out.

"Toby's here Ally." Calum says, putting his hand on her shoulder and whispering it as if I'm not going to hear.

"I don't want to see him. I'm here for Freya, today is about Freya, Freddie and Luke, he needs to fuck off." Ally snaps and Calum squeezes her shoulder a bit.

I almost wonder what he's done now but remember what happened before we came to the hospital. I doubt the real reason Ally's pissed off is even that, I reckon she just doesn't want him at the moment and I can tell when she looks up into Calum's eyes that there is something there.

"Ally...." I whisper and she snaps her head round quickly.

"You don't have to pretend to love him. Let him go." I say, squeezing her hand which is entwined in mine tightly.

I leave it at that and breathe out a sigh of relief when Luke comes souring back into the room and takes my other hand.

I'm scared shitless, me and Luke have to do this for ourselves now. This is it. This is happening and for the first time in 8 and a half months I face the reality that I'm having a baby, a real life breathing baby and it's mine and I wouldn't want it any other way.

When I look at Luke I can tell he's thinking the exact same as me and I smile, wishing I could lean forward and ruffle his New brewing curls.

"I love you." I mouth to him.

"I love you and Freddie." He mouths back.

"You know, just because you're mouthing the words it doesn't mean we don't know what you're saying." Calum laughs.

"Yeah can you stop being bent, Freddie is on his way and I refuse to let him be born cringing out of his skin, he's already going through enough." Ally jokes.

Me and Luke both laugh and Luke leans across to grab Calum's hand.

We've formed some weird little circle, me holding Ally and Luke's hands, Calum holding Ally and Luke's. When the nurse comes in she double looks and we all drop hands in complete embarrassment. When I say "all" I mean Luke and Calum because you know, no homo bro.

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