Chapter One

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A/N: So chapter one is going to be weird, maybe but dont mind my spelling i type really fast i dont know if i made mistakes....sometimes when i reread it, i would miss it.....enjoy!!!
Authors POV

*knock knock knock*

Voice 1: Come in....

Voice 2: Sir, i have some news for you.

Voice 1: Well was is it?

Voice 2: The Lee family will be moving to Seoul by Friday, sir.

Voice 1: In 3 days huh? Keep an eye on them, and get ready for the plan. This is a great opportunity for us to make a move. When spying dont wear black, wear something more casual to fit in the crowd, arraseo?

Voice 2: Yes, sir. I'll tell the others to prepare themselves for the plan.

Voice 1: You may leave....

Voice 2 left to tell the others about the upcoming events. Now its just Voice 1 in the room talking to himself.

Voice 1: This better not backfire. Mr. Lee.....where could you be? There is only one way to find out. If we cant come to you, i guess you have to come to us. *evil laugh*


Halla's POV



Me: Oh my Buddha, mom i love you!!! When do we leave?

Mom: We leave in 3 days so hurry up, i have already found a huge house for us to live in.

Me: Okay, okay. Does Min and Jan know about this?

Mom: No, but could you tell them?

Me: Okay....

I went upstairs to Jan's room because Min and Jan were having a competition on Mario Cart.

Me: Min, Jan we're mo~

Min and Jan: We know already.

Me: Bwo? But mom said....

Min: You and mom were yelling so we kinda heard it from here.

Jan: Yeah, it sounded like you guys were fangirling down there. *smirks*

Me: Yeah, but you should be fangirling too, Jan.

Jan: Why?

Me: Since we both listen to K-pop, there will be idols everywhere in Seoul, did you forget already?

Jan: O_o

Min: In 3...2...1...


Me: Woah, come down little have to pack fast if you want to go.

Min: Yeah, we are leaving in 3 days anyway, and Seoul is just 4 hours away from Busan so....lets go!!!

Me and Min got out of Jan's room to start packing. We dont have that much stuff since we have been saving up for Seoul. I am really excited. Me and my sister loves K-pop and we always wanted to go shopping and eat where all of our idols went to. I heard that Bangtan and Lovelyz goes to school and i hope i go to that school. I think its Honggyu Arts High School.


Jungkook's POV

Just another day, but i have school today....ugh. Our manager said that since we have like 5 albums out already, its time for us to go back to school. When i mean us i meant Bangtan Boys. We walked in the school and we were about to pass the main office until i overheard something.

Person 1: Make sure you keep an eye on her, we cant let them take her away.

Person 2: When will she be coming?

Person 1: Ms. Lee says that they will be moving here in 3 days or maybe earlier.

Person 2: Do you thing she needs protection inside of school?

Person 1: *sighs* I dont know, but i will do something about it. If they cant get her then they will get her family.

Person 2: So we are just gonna let them take the family?

Person 1: Thats what Ms. Lee said...remember, only she holds the secret but she doesnt know that she has it.

Person 2: She doesnt know? So that means she has it in some sort of jewelry?

Person 1: Yes, thats why we have to keep an eye on her 24/7, and make sure she doesnt get suspicious. If her family gets taking away, then we have no choice but to put her into the Protection Program.

Person 2: Okay, I should be going.

I quickly went to the nearest vending machine and pretended to get something out of it. The assistant principal and the principal? I wonder who this person is? But she is also a new student here too. This is going to be easy.

When i was about to fo to class, my phone started ringing. I checked and its from manager-hyung. Am i in trouble? Well, theres only one way to find out.

~answered the phone~

Me: Yeobosayo?

Manager: Jungkook, come down to the principals office.

Me: But i just passed the principals office and school is about to start, hyung.

Manager: Jungkook, we both know that you dont like going to school.

Me: Yeah, your right. Im coming.

Manager: And make it fast.

Me: Arraseo.

I fast walked all the way to tbe principals office and when i opened the door, i could already see Bangtan, our manager, and the two principals i mentioned earlier....whats going on?

Principal: I know this is kind of urgent but im giving you guys a mission.

Bangtan: A mission?
A/N: Cliffhanger!!!!! I decided to do the other part in chapter 2 because i just finished my other story and im lazy right now but chapter 2 is on its way so be patient please.... thank you ~^O^~

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