Chapter Eighteen

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Halla's POV:

I. Do. Not. Want. To. Get. Up.....

That's right today is the day that me and Jungkook goes into that mysterious tree. I'm nervous to be honest. Cause what if Jungkook pushes me into like a really really deep hole that has something horrible in it.  ̄ˍ ̄

I lazily got up and just sat on the bed, not really excited for our mission today. We still have training until the ACTUAL mission.

I got up and sat at the edge of my bed.....staring at the floor. Thinkingbof a worst case scenario.


I got so scared I manage to fall off the edge of my bed and land on my boobs....great, now they are gonna be sore for a while....

'Yah, why are you on the floor?'

Me: Well I don't know Jungkook, why don't YOU tell me how im on the floor?

Jungkook: Just get up and put on your training clothes. Your brother wants us over at the training room in about an hour.

Me: Well, gee thanks. (Note the sarcasm)

Jungkook: Yeah, yeah whatever...

The room got really quiet when the door closes. I lazily got up and head to my bathroom. After doing whatever I was doing I got out with just a towel on, since I forgot to bring my training clothes.

I walked to my closet and searched my training clothes. I have this weird feeling that someone is in my room. I tried to ignore it but I can't.

When I finally found my training suit, I took out my wooden hanger and mentally counted to three. One. Two. Three! I flung my wooden hanger near my bed as my eyes were closed and heard a groan. I immediately opened my eyes to the sound and got extremely pissed.

Jungkook: *groans* Well, now you know I didn't *groans* Man, how can you aim so *groans again* accurately?

Me: Uh, more combat experience than you?

Jungkook: Okay yeah, you win. Now I'm gonna leave and put an ice pack on my abs....

'Like you have any....'

Jungkook: What?

Me: Nothing!

'Curse my habit of speaking out loud! '

Jungkook: Did you say I don't have any abs? (steps closer)

Me: Well, it's not like you have em'

Jungkook: Oh really? *smirks* Want me to show them to you?


Jungkook: Oh come on~ it'll make you want to touch it after you see it~

Me: If you don't leave my room for me to change I'll hurt you if I have too.

Jungkook: Why don't you change in front of me?

Me: Jeon. Jung. Kook.

Jungkook: Okay, fine. I'll leave. But I'll see you without a towel someday~

Me: In your dreams ~

Jungkook finally got out of my room so I quickly ran to my door and locked it. I don't want him to walk in while I'm changing.....nor have any Bangtan members walk in either...... plus Min. *shivers* that could my worst nightmare of my whole life.

I changed in the bathroom just in case they have the key to my room. I got out of the bathroom and went to my mirror. Should I put on perfume? What are you thinking Halla? You'll sweat and be stinky tonight anyways.

Me: *walks out my room* Jungkook, when are we leaving.....uh hi?

I walked in to something that I didn't really expect to be in the living room. All 6 pairs of eyes stares at me, probably curious of what happened to Jungkook because he was smirking when I came out.

Namjoon: Did you hit Jungkook on his stomach?

Me: I'm not gonna lie but yeah...

Jin: Why?

Me: I got done with showering and I only had a towel on. I felt like someone was in the room so I just threw my hanger.

Hoseok: Really?!

Me: Yeah, why? Did he tell you a different story or what?

They didn't answer me so I walked into the kitchen grabbing myself some mango juice. But immediately spit some out of what they told me.

Jimin: But Jungkook said that you bit his stomach.

Jungkook: Hyung!!

Me: He told you I bit his stomach?

Taehyung: I knew something was fishy. I mean why would the Princess bite his stomach?

Yoongi: Why are you guys so loud?

Me: Oh mian, were you sleeping?

Yoongi: I was. But it's okay. I think I've had enough sleep.

Me: But did you sleep late?

Yoongi: Yeah, I was working on a song.

Me: Oh cool. But anyways, when are we going training?

On cue, Min walks in the apartment wearing a suit and has a Bluetooth in his left ear.

Min: Yeah, okay. Make sure the files get here safely and no one is following you. Alright, goodbye.

Me: *chuckles* Why are acting like a secretary?

Min: Why are asking questions?

Me: Why are you answering my questions with questions?

Min: Anyways~ we all have to meet at the schools garden by 6 so we could plan what we are going to do. So that will give you guys roughly 4 hours of training.

Me: Great~

I walked through the door first and waited for everyone else to come to the elevator. Once everybody came in the huge elevator, Min pressed the parking lot button which I guess our car is there waiting.

*skips to the training room since author-nims head hurts*

Min wants us to start training separately so luckily the station had 4 training rooms.

After 2 hours of training, Min gathered all of us in the biggest training room which happens to be Jungkooks training room.

Min: Alright, for the remaining hour we will go through the plan I had in mind.

Me: Here we go...

Min: Okay both of you guys will act like you found the secret passage way in the tree. Just in case there is someone down there.

Me: And what if they're waiting for us with all kinds of weapons from around the world. Then what are we gonna do?

Min: And this is why I don't talk about my plan like this. Here are Bluetooth ear pieces. If you are talking you have to press this only button in the ear piece.

Jungkook: Oh cool! We get to be spies!

Me: So basically we're spies.

Min: Yep. Basically.

Min gave us our ear pieces and we tested them to see if they we're working. We went into different rooms so that we know if it is ranged farther for us to talk if we go into different parts in that secret tree bark.

*Big clock sound which dings 6 times*

We all looked at each other in excitement.

Min: Let's go. It's time...

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