Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Min/Me: *gasp* NO WAY.

Jan: What! What is this thing saying?

Min: This was a secret code that me and Halla uses with are cousin when he moved to the United States.

Me: I thought he forgot about us.

Min: It's been so long since I had to decipher this, you got anything Sis?

Me: I'm a little rusty...

Jungkook; Look! It's rearranging!

We all focused our attention to the screen and the code starts to rearrange into an actual letter that we can all read. Min starts to read it out loud.

"Hey Min hyung and Suji-ah. It's been a while since you've heard of me when I moved to the States. I received news about your mother being held hostage while I was on a royal mission.'

Me: A royal mission? What happen? Was the Queen kidnapped?

"Luckily we found the Queen before the letter came to me."

Everyone stared at me from shock. I'm shocked myself. I just said that as a joke. I didn't know it happened for real.

" I'm coming down to Korea in 2 days to figure out what the hell is going on, but I'm guessing it has something to do with your grandfathers death. Anyways, you have another computer genius besides the Princess now so leave everything to me when I arrive. Hacker Z"

Pfffffffff, Hacker Z? Did he just seriously call himself Hacker Z? I can't wait to tease him about it when he gets here.

Min: That's a pathetic code name. 

Me: Tell me about it.

Min: Anyways, let's eat. I'm starving myself from standing here too long.

We all gathered around the dinner table and started eating. There were only small conversations at the table, but it was silent for the most part. Once everyone got done eating, we bid our goodnights and I showed Jaein and Yujin their rooms. Once showing them i head towards my own room with dragging feet. I'm seriously tired from what has happened all day today.

Walking into my room, I plopped onto my bed and drifted fast to sleep.

The Next Day.....

I woke up to the sun that's shining on my face, blinding me when I tried to open my eyes. 

'Stupid sun.'

'Don't call the sun stupid, you stupid.'

That voice.

I looked around my room to see a figure leaning on my bathroom door frame. I squinted as hard as I could to make out the person in front of me but still couldn't see anything.

'If you keep squinting that hard like that, you'll get more wrinkles.'

And that's when I realize..

"Ugh! Baekhyun! I thought you were coming tomorrow!"

Baekhyun: Surprise princess. I thought so too but i didn't check the date properly on my plane ticket. Luckily one of my co-workers saw the date or else it would've taken me more than two days to get here.

Me: Can you leave my room now? I'm trying to sleep.

Baekhyun: Nope, I can't leave yet.

Me: *in a tired voice* And why is that?

I buried my head into my pillow trying to cancel anymore unnecessary sounds coming from that mans mouth.

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